php - 邮政编码错误 PayPal (PHP)

标签 php paypal credit-card paypal-sandbox postal-code

我想使用 PayPal 集成向导在我的网站上集成 PayPal。我使用 PayPal API 和由 PayPal 集成向导生成的 expresscheckout.php、paypalfunctions.php。

我写了表格来填写账单数据以发布到 PayPal,但它返回错误代码:10712,意思是“此交易有错误。请在账单地址中输入有效的邮政编码。”推荐的解决方案是“请在账单地址中输入您的五位数邮政编码。” 好的,没错,但我尝试使用 95131,这是来自加利福尼亚的有效 ZIP,它是五位数字。



根据您问题的标签,我假设您使用的是 PayPal 沙盒。如果是这样,请确保您使用的是有效的“测试”信用卡号,例如 here。 ,或尝试按照以下过程复制自 this PayPal Developer Network thread :

Please follow the steps below to generate a credit card number for testing PayPal Account Optional within the Sandbox.

Log in to your Sandbox Account Click 'Profile' Click on 'Credit Cards' under Financial Information Click the ''Add' button, as if you are adding a credit card to the account

Use the credit card number that is automatically generated here as the credit card of your buyer

Note: Do not click on the 'Add Card' button as this will add the credit card to your Sandbox account. If it is added to your Sandbox account, it cannot be used to make a non-PayPal account payment.

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