Paypal 认证更新

标签 paypal

我已将 Paypal 快速结账与我的应用程序集成。几天前,我收到了来自 Paypal 的电子邮件。

Dear Customer,

In keeping with industry standards set by the Certification Authority/Browser (CA/B) Forum, PayPal will discontinue supporting 1024-bit key length certificates and will migrate to 2048-bit certificates before the end of 2013.

We have completed the installation of 2048-bit certificates for all API endpoints in our PayPal Sandbox and Payflow Pilot environments, and we will be doing the same for our production environments starting on August 6, 2013.

We strongly encourage merchants to thoroughly test any existing integration(s) in the PayPal Sandbox and/or Payflow Pilot environments to ensure this migration will not cause any unforeseen issues.

Please have the team or person responsible for your integration refer to the following:

If you need to import the new PayPal Sandbox and/or Payflow Pilot server certificates to your application or system truststore, you can download production and Sandbox certificates from

If you don’t typically import the server certificates to your truststore, you can proceed with testing with no other action required.

If you have any questions, please contact PayPal Merchant Technical Services by filing a ticket; refer to PP-LIVE-3503. You may also visit our Live Site Status blog.



我正在使用 API 签名而不是证书。所以,我真的不需要在这里做任何事情,对吧?


发生变化的不是 API 证书,而是端点证书正在更改为 2048。因此,无论您的 API 凭据由 API 签名还是由 API 证书组成都无关紧要。

如果您以某种方式根据本地存储的(相同)SSL 证书副本存储和验证 PayPal 的 API 端点 SSL 证书,则只需更改任何内容。通常这是在所谓的“truststore”中完成的。 '.
由于 PayPal 的 API 端点证书会发生变化,因此您需要相应地更新信任库中的证书。

是的,如果您只是使用 API 签名或 API 证书进行 API 身份验证,则无需更改任何内容。

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