Paypal :取消或超时付款

标签 paypal paypal-soap

我正在使用 Adaptive Payments API 来创建新的并行支付。我正在阅读文档,但仍有一些问题:

  • 是否有取消本次支付的API操作(显然是发送payKey)?

  • 创建此付款时,我可以指定超时吗?

  • paypal 操作的默认超时时间是多少?



嗯,same question asked and answered在 PayPal X 开发者网络中:

At this time, there is not a way to cancel a paykey and a timeout value cannot be specified. The default timeout value for PayPal is 5 minutes (after being inactive) however a paykey is good for 3 hours. So if the user were to copy the redirect url (before logging in), that url (with paykey) would be good for 3 hours.

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