Paypal 付款已完成,但由于商户网站上的服务器关闭而未触发 IPN

标签 paypal paypal-ipn

谁能告诉我如果在 PayPal 上付款但没有触发 IPN 会发生什么情况,因为商家网站上的服务器已关闭。



IPN 是一项(可选)通知服务,它与交易(也称为“结帐流程”、“支付流程”)本身无关。它通知接收方(IPN 消息的)交易中发生的事件在 Paypal

Instant Payment Notification

Instant Payment Notification (IPN) is a message service that automatically notifies merchants of events related to PayPal transactions. Merchants can use it to automate back-office and administrative functions, like automatically fulfilling orders and providing customers with order status.

Using IPN in your checkout flow

Although PayPal usually processes IPN messages immediately, IPN is not synchronized with actions on your website. Internet connectivity is not always 100% reliable and IPN messages can be lost or delayed. The IPN service automatically resends messages until the listener acknowledges them. The service resends messages for up to 4 days.

Because IPN is not a real-time service, your checkout flow should not wait for the IPN message before it is allowed to complete. If the checkout flow is dependent on receiving an IPN message, processing can be delayed by system load or other reasons. You should configure your checkout flow to handle a possible delay.


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