php - Paypal 支付网关集成

标签 php paypal

我正在将 Paypal 支付网关集成到其中一个站点中。付款成功后,我将其重定向到 success.php 文件。在 success.php 文件中,我包含了所有插入参数和一条成功消息。它在付款后正确重定向到 success.php 文件,但显示付款失败消息并且没有数据插入数据库。以下是我的success.php页面代码

 include 'dbConfig.php';

//Get payment information from PayPal
$item_number = $_GET['item_number']; 
$txn_id = $_GET['tx'];
$payment_gross = $_GET['amt'];
$currency_code = $_GET['cc'];
$payment_status = $_GET['st'];

//Get product price from database
 $productResult = $db->query("SELECT price FROM products WHERE id = = '".$item_number."'"); 
$productRow = $productResult->fetch_assoc();
$productPrice = $productRow['price'];

if(!empty($txn_id) && $payment_gross == $productPrice){
//Check if payment data exists with the same TXN ID.
$prevPaymentResult = $db->query("SELECT payment_id FROM payments WHERE txn_id = '".$txn_id."'");

if($prevPaymentResult->num_rows > 0){
    $paymentRow = $prevPaymentResult->fetch_assoc();
    $last_insert_id = $paymentRow['payment_id'];
    //Insert tansaction data into the database
    $insert = $db->query("INSERT INTO   payments(item_number,txn_id,payment_gross,currency_code,payment_status) VALUES('".$item_number."','".$txn_id."','".$payment_gross."','".$currency_code."','".$payment_status."')");
    $last_insert_id = $db->insert_id;
<h1>Your payment has been successful.</h1>
<h1>Your Payment ID - <?php echo $last_insert_id; ?></h1>
<?php }else{ ?>
<h1>Your payment has failed.</h1>
<?php } ?>



正如 Van Hoa 所建议的那样,当您将用户重定向到您的成功页面时,paypal 不会将付款信息作为参数发送。 PayPal 只会发回一个 token 和一个付款人 ID。

When redirecting the buyer back to your website from, PayPal appends the Express Checkout transaction token and the unique PayPal buyer ID as GET parameters to your RETURN URL; these GET parameters are named token and PayerID.

PayPal docs (强调)

您可以使用返回的 token 通过 GetExpressCheckoutDetails 获取付款详细信息,并将您从 PayPal 取回的 token 传递给它。

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