- 实时 Paypal 错误

标签 paypal paypal-ipn paypal-sandbox

我在 中使用 PayPal,当我在沙箱中测试时,一切都是正确的,但是当我使用实时部分时,我收到了这个错误:

This payment cannot be completed and your account has not been charged. Please contact your merchant for more information. We are not able to process your payment using your PayPal account at this time. Please return to the merchant's website and try using a different payment method (if available).


 <add key="token" value="*************************"/>
  <add key="paypalemail" value="*************"/>
  <add key="PayPalSubmitUrl" value=""/>
  <add key="FailedURL" value=""/>
  <add key="SuccessURL" value=""/>
  <add key="Notification" value=""/>


   public static string RedirectToPaypal(string invoiceNumber, string requestId, string userId, string customId, string itemName, string amount)

            string redirecturl = "";
            redirecturl += "" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["paypalemail"].ToString();
            redirecturl += "&first_name=" + userId;
            redirecturl += "&item_name=" + itemName;
            redirecturl += "&amount=5.00";
            redirecturl += "&quantity=1";
            redirecturl += "&currency=SEK";
            redirecturl += "&invoice=" + invoiceNumber;
            redirecturl += "&custom=" + requestId;
            redirecturl += "&on0=" + HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress;
            redirecturl += "&return=" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SuccessURL"].ToString() + "?Type=ShowDetail";
            redirecturl += "&cancel_return=" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FailedURL"].ToString();
            redirecturl += "&notify_url=" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Notification"].ToString();
            return redirecturl;

这是我从 paypal 返回到我的地址后检查的所有内容

if (Request.QueryString["cm"] != null)

                             const string authToken = "*********************************";
                             string txToken = Request.QueryString["tx"];
                             string query = "cmd=_notify-synch&tx=" + txToken + "&at=" + authToken;

                             //const string strSandbox = "";
                           string strSandbox = "";
                             var req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(strSandbox);

                            req.Method = "POST";
                            req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
                             req.ContentLength = query.Length;

                             var streamOut = new StreamWriter(req.GetRequestStream(), System.Text.Encoding.ASCII);
                           var streamIn = new StreamReader(req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream());
                           string strResponse = streamIn.ReadToEnd();

                             var results = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                             if (strResponse != "")
                                 var reader = new StringReader(strResponse);
                                 string line = reader.ReadLine();

                                 if (line == "SUCCESS")

                                     while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                                         results.Add(line.Split('=')[0], line.Split('=')[1]);

                                     var userId = Convert.ToInt64(Session["UserID"]);
                                     var item = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["cm"]);
                                     context = new entities();
                                     var existUser = context.Payments.Where(u => u.UserID == userId).ToList();
                                     var existItem = existUser.Where(i => i.RequestID == item).ToList();
                                     var paypalInvoice = results["invoice"];
                                     var txn_id = results["txn_id"];
                                     var sameInvoice =
                                         existItem.Where(i => i.invoice== paypalInvoice).FirstOrDefault();
                                     if (sameInvoice != null)
                                         var currentAmount = Request.QueryString["amt"];
                                         var dbAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(sameInvoice.Amount).ToString();
                                         var currentIp = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress;

                                         if (dbAmount != null)
                                             if (currentAmount == dbAmount)

                                                 if (currentIp == sameInvoice.IP)

                                                     sameInvoice.Status = true;
                                                     sameInvoice.PaypalTX = txn_id;
                                                     pnlSearch.Visible = false;
                                                     pnlShowDetail.Visible = true;
                                                     ShowDetail(Request.QueryString["cm"], true);
                                                     btnBack.Visible = false;
                                                     PrivateDetail.Visible = true;
                                                     interested.Visible = false;



                                 else if (line == "FAIL")
                                     // Log for manual investigation
                                     Response.Write("Unable to retrive transaction detail");
                                //unknown error

问题是什么? 同样在第一次测试时,我付了钱,但什么也没发生。发票状态仍然是错误的,而自从我付款后它应该变成真实的!


此函数错误 100% RedirectToPaypal()

没有重定向到 Paypal 。只有 post 到带有 post 参数的那个地址,而不是 get(重定向)。

这是合乎逻辑的,因为如果你将所有敏感数据放在 url 上,那么任何在中间以太中作为以太代理的任何人都会暴露给任何将 url 与所有这些数据保持一致的人。

对我来说,如果您使用该数据进行重定向,而不是发布,则 Paypal 不会找到有关该帐户的任何信息,因为没有发布数据,这就是您收到该错误的原因。

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