paypal - paypal交易如何收取10%费用

标签 paypal

我正在我的网站上实现 Paypal 结账系统。基本上有一个卖家、买家和我的公司。当卖家出售商品而买家购买商品时,我(企业)将获得买家支付金额的 10%。 Paypal api 中是否有选项,或者我必须采用其他方式吗?


您可以在自适应付款 API 中使用链式付款:

Chained payments enable a sender to send a single payment to a primary receiver. The primary receiver keeps part of the payment and pays secondary receivers the remainder. For example, your application could be an online travel agency that handles bookings for airfare, hotel reservations, and car rentals. The sender sees only you as the primary receiver. You allocate the payment for your commission and the actual cost of services provided by other receivers. PayPal then deducts money from the sender's account and deposits it in both your account and the secondary receivers' accounts.

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