php - 使用 paypal 的付款信息

标签 php paypal payment-gateway

我使用 php 集成了 Paypal。我知道有返回 url,这意味着当收到付款时它将返回到我们网站的 url。


如果出现网络问题,PayPal 无法发出 IPN 消息,那么根据他们的文档,他们将重试 15 次,最多 4 天。

The IPN message service does not assume that your listener will receive all IPN messages. Because the Internet is not 100% reliable, IPNs can get lost or be delayed. To address these issues, the IPN message service includes a retry mechanism that re-sends a message at various intervals until your listener acknowledges receipt. An IPN message may be present up to four days after the original was sent. The maximum number of retries is 15.

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