php - paypal 快速结帐 - 付款页面中的问号

标签 php encoding paypal

我刚刚为我的 HEBREW 网站编写了用于快速结帐的 php 脚本(数据库编码为 latin_swedish_ci,浏览器编码为 windows-1255,文件使用 notepad++ 编码为 ANSI)。

当我将数据(用希伯来语编写)从数据库传递到 paypal 时,我看到的不是文本而是问号。当我在文本上使用 utf8_encode 时,它​​显示为乱码。

没有 utf8_encode:

not utf8_encode

使用 utf8_encode:

with utf8_encode



关键是按照引用的步骤在您的帐户中设置 UTF-8

  1. Login to your PayPal account
  2. Navigate to "My Account Overview -> Profile -> My Selling Tools" section. Within "More Selling Tools" click the "PayPal Button Language Encoding" link.
  3. Ensure that setting for "Your website’s language" is correct.
  4. Click the "More Options" button, select the "UTF-8" option for "Encoding" and leave the "Yes" option selected for "Do you want to use the same encoding for data sent from PayPal to you (e.g., IPN, downloadable logs, emails)?".
  5. Click "Save" to save your changes.

您可以选择在 setExpressCheckout API 负载中添加 LocaleCode = he_IL,将结帐页面语言也更改为希伯来语

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