Paypal REST API 自适应/多次付款(更改收款人)

标签 paypal paypal-sandbox paypal-adaptive-payments

我刚刚开始关注 Paypal 的 REST api .我似乎看不到的一件事是功能 Paypal 电话 Adaptive Payments .这允许我使用我的开发者帐户注册我的应用程序,但不参与实际付款。例如我的应用程序允许我的用户接受他们通过我的应用程序销售的服务的付款。

我已经阅读了 Paypals REST API 文档。我已经弄清楚如何完成付款,但所有交易都发送到我的开发者 paypal 帐户。我找不到在哪里更改收款人的详细信息,即卖家,以允许将付款发送到不同的 Paypal 账户。


好的,经过大量谷歌搜索后,我设法找到了答案 here

This general model enables us to easily add support for variety of payment models in the future (Parallel, Chained, etc). The Payee could be a funding instrument (like a Credit/Debit Card,) or a PayPal account (wallet) itself. The Payee could be set explicitly if the Payee is not the same as the Payment Facilitator ( in this current release we only support the case where the Payee is same as the Facilitator) so this is not currently required.


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