google-app-engine - 数据存储中真的需要索引吗?

标签 google-app-engine google-cloud-datastore

我对一些 GAE 文档感到有点困惑。虽然我打算添加索引来优化我的应用程序的性能,但我想澄清一下它们是仅建议用于此目的还是确实需要。

Queries can't find property values that aren't indexed. This includes properties that are marked as not indexed, as well as properties with values of the long text value type (Text) or the long binary value type (Blob).

A query with a filter or sort order on a property will never match an entity whose value for the property is a Text or Blob, or which was written with that property marked as not indexed. Properties with such values behave as if the property is not set with regard to query filters and sort orders.


第一段让我相信您根本无法对未索引的属性进行排序或过滤。但是,第二段让我认为此限制仅局限于 Text 或 Blob 属性或特别注释为未索引的属性。



在 GAE 数据存储中,会自动为所有不可索引(明确标记或那些类型)的属性创建单个属性索引。



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