
标签 java performance

我有这段代码在做 Range Minimum Query .当 t = 100000 时,i 和 j 在每个输入行中始终变化,其在 Java 8u60 中的执行时间约为 12 秒。

for (int a0 = 0; a0 < t; a0++) {
    String line = reader.readLine();
    String[] ls = line.split(" ");
    int i = Integer.parseInt(ls[0]);
    int j = Integer.parseInt(ls[1]);
    int min = width[i];
    for (int k = i + 1; k <= j; k++) {
        if (min > width[k]) {
            min = width[k];
    writer.write(min + "");

当我提取一个新方法来寻找最小值时,执行时间快了 4 倍(大约 2.5 秒)。

    for (int a0 = 0; a0 < t; a0++) {
        String line = reader.readLine();
        String[] ls = line.split(" ");
        int i = Integer.parseInt(ls[0]);
        int j = Integer.parseInt(ls[1]);
        int min = getMin(i, j);
        writer.write(min + "");

private int getMin(int i, int j) {
    int min = width[i];
    for (int k = i + 1; k <= j; k++) {
        if (min > width[k]) {
            min = width[k];
    return min;

我一直认为方法调用很慢。但是这个例子显示了相反的情况。 Java 6 也证明了这一点,但两种情况下的执行时间都慢得多(17 秒和 10 秒)。有人可以对此提供一些见解吗?


TL;DR JIT compiler has more opportunities to optimize the inner loop in the second case, because on-stack replacement happens at the different point.

不涉及 I/O 或字符串操作,只有两个带数组访问的嵌套循环。

public class NestedLoop {
    private static final int ARRAY_SIZE = 5000;
    private static final int ITERATIONS = 1000000;

    private int[] width = new java.util.Random(0).ints(ARRAY_SIZE).toArray();

    public long inline() {
        long sum = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) {
            int min = width[0];
            for (int k = 1; k < ARRAY_SIZE; k++) {
                if (min > width[k]) {
                    min = width[k];
            sum += min;

        return sum;

    public long methodCall() {
        long sum = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) {
            int min = getMin();
            sum += min;

        return sum;

    private int getMin() {
        int min = width[0];
        for (int k = 1; k < ARRAY_SIZE; k++) {
            if (min > width[k]) {
                min = width[k];
        return min;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        long startTime = System.nanoTime();
        long sum = new NestedLoop().inline();  // or .methodCall();
        long endTime = System.nanoTime();

        long ms = (endTime - startTime) / 1000000;
        System.out.println("sum = " + sum + ", time = " + ms + " ms");

inline 变体确实比 methodCall 慢 3-4 倍。

我使用了以下 JVM 选项来确认这两个基准测试都是在最高层编译OSR (on-stack replacement)两种情况均成功发生。



    251   46 %           NestedLoop::inline @ 21 (70 bytes)
Installing osr method (4) NestedLoop.inline()J @ 21


    271   46             NestedLoop::getMin (41 bytes)
Installing method (4) NestedLoop.getMin()I 
    274   47 %           NestedLoop::getMin @ 9 (41 bytes)
Installing osr method (4) NestedLoop.getMin()I @ 9
    314   48 %           NestedLoop::methodCall @ 4 (30 bytes)
Installing osr method (4) NestedLoop.methodCall()J @ 4

这意味着 JIT 完成了它的工作,但生成的代码必须不同。

'内联'反汇编( HitTest 片段)

0x0000000002df4dd0: inc    %ebp               ; OopMap{r11=Derived_oop_rbx rbx=Oop off=114}
                                              ; - NestedLoop::inline@53 (line 12)

0x0000000002df4dd2: test   %eax,-0x1d64dd8(%rip)        # 0x0000000001090000
                                              ; - NestedLoop::inline@21 (line 12)
                                              ;   {poll}
0x0000000002df4dd8: cmp    $0x1388,%ebp
0x0000000002df4dde: jge    0x0000000002df4dfd  ;*if_icmpge
                                              ; - NestedLoop::inline@26 (line 12)

0x0000000002df4de0: test   %rbx,%rbx
0x0000000002df4de3: je     0x0000000002df4e4c
0x0000000002df4de5: mov    (%r11),%r10d       ;*getfield width
                                              ; - NestedLoop::inline@32 (line 13)

0x0000000002df4de8: mov    0xc(%r10),%r9d     ; implicit exception
0x0000000002df4dec: cmp    %r9d,%ebp
0x0000000002df4def: jae    0x0000000002df4e59
0x0000000002df4df1: mov    0x10(%r10,%rbp,4),%r8d  ;*iaload
                                              ; - NestedLoop::inline@37 (line 13)

0x0000000002df4df6: cmp    %r8d,%r13d
0x0000000002df4df9: jg     0x0000000002df4dc6  ;*if_icmple
                                              ; - NestedLoop::inline@38 (line 13)

0x0000000002df4dfb: jmp    0x0000000002df4dd0


0x0000000002da2af0: add    $0x8,%edx          ;*iinc
                                              ; - NestedLoop::getMin@33 (line 36)
                                              ; - NestedLoop::methodCall@11 (line 27)

0x0000000002da2af3: cmp    $0x1381,%edx
0x0000000002da2af9: jge    0x0000000002da2b70  ;*iload_1
                                              ; - NestedLoop::getMin@16 (line 37)
                                              ; - NestedLoop::methodCall@11 (line 27)

0x0000000002da2afb: mov    0x10(%r9,%rdx,4),%r11d  ;*iaload
                                              ; - NestedLoop::getMin@22 (line 37)
                                              ; - NestedLoop::methodCall@11 (line 27)

0x0000000002da2b00: cmp    %r11d,%ecx
0x0000000002da2b03: jg     0x0000000002da2b6b  ;*iinc
                                              ; - NestedLoop::getMin@33 (line 36)
                                              ; - NestedLoop::methodCall@11 (line 27)

0x0000000002da2b05: mov    0x14(%r9,%rdx,4),%r11d  ;*iaload
                                              ; - NestedLoop::getMin@22 (line 37)
                                              ; - NestedLoop::methodCall@11 (line 27)

0x0000000002da2b0a: cmp    %r11d,%ecx
0x0000000002da2b0d: jg     0x0000000002da2b5c  ;*iinc
                                              ; - NestedLoop::getMin@33 (line 36)
                                              ; - NestedLoop::methodCall@11 (line 27)

0x0000000002da2b0f: mov    0x18(%r9,%rdx,4),%r11d  ;*iaload
                                              ; - NestedLoop::getMin@22 (line 37)
                                              ; - NestedLoop::methodCall@11 (line 27)

0x0000000002da2b14: cmp    %r11d,%ecx
0x0000000002da2b17: jg     0x0000000002da2b4d  ;*iinc
                                              ; - NestedLoop::getMin@33 (line 36)
                                              ; - NestedLoop::methodCall@11 (line 27)

0x0000000002da2b19: mov    0x1c(%r9,%rdx,4),%r11d  ;*iaload
                                              ; - NestedLoop::getMin@22 (line 37)
                                              ; - NestedLoop::methodCall@11 (line 27)

0x0000000002da2b1e: cmp    %r11d,%ecx
0x0000000002da2b21: jg     0x0000000002da2b66  ;*iinc
                                              ; - NestedLoop::getMin@33 (line 36)
                                              ; - NestedLoop::methodCall@11 (line 27)

0x0000000002da2b23: mov    0x20(%r9,%rdx,4),%r11d  ;*iaload
                                              ; - NestedLoop::getMin@22 (line 37)
                                              ; - NestedLoop::methodCall@11 (line 27)

0x0000000002da2b28: cmp    %r11d,%ecx
0x0000000002da2b2b: jg     0x0000000002da2b61  ;*iinc
                                              ; - NestedLoop::getMin@33 (line 36)
                                              ; - NestedLoop::methodCall@11 (line 27)

0x0000000002da2b2d: mov    0x24(%r9,%rdx,4),%r11d  ;*iaload
                                              ; - NestedLoop::getMin@22 (line 37)
                                              ; - NestedLoop::methodCall@11 (line 27)

0x0000000002da2b32: cmp    %r11d,%ecx
0x0000000002da2b35: jg     0x0000000002da2b52  ;*iinc
                                              ; - NestedLoop::getMin@33 (line 36)
                                              ; - NestedLoop::methodCall@11 (line 27)

0x0000000002da2b37: mov    0x28(%r9,%rdx,4),%r11d  ;*iaload
                                              ; - NestedLoop::getMin@22 (line 37)
                                              ; - NestedLoop::methodCall@11 (line 27)

0x0000000002da2b3c: cmp    %r11d,%ecx
0x0000000002da2b3f: jg     0x0000000002da2b57  ;*iinc
                                              ; - NestedLoop::getMin@33 (line 36)
                                              ; - NestedLoop::methodCall@11 (line 27)

0x0000000002da2b41: mov    0x2c(%r9,%rdx,4),%r11d  ;*iaload
                                              ; - NestedLoop::getMin@22 (line 37)
                                              ; - NestedLoop::methodCall@11 (line 27)

0x0000000002da2b46: cmp    %r11d,%ecx
0x0000000002da2b49: jg     0x0000000002da2ae6  ;*if_icmple
                                              ; - NestedLoop::getMin@23 (line 37)
                                              ; - NestedLoop::methodCall@11 (line 27)

0x0000000002da2b4b: jmp    0x0000000002da2af0

编译后的代码完全不同; methodCall 优化得更好。

  • 循环展开了 8 次迭代;
  • 里面没有数组边界检查;
  • width 字段缓存在寄存器中。


  • 不展开循环;
  • 每次都从内存中加载width数组;
  • 对每次迭代执行数组边界检查。

OSR 编译的方法并不总是优化得很好,因为它们必须在转换点保持解释堆栈帧的状态。这是 another example同样的问题。

栈上替换通常发生在向后的分支上(即在循环的底部)。 inline 方法有两个嵌套循环,OSR 发生在内部循环中,而 methodCall 只有一个外部循环。 OSR 在外循环中的过渡更为有利,因为 JIT 编译器有更多的自由来优化内循环。这就是您的情况。

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