ssl - MAMP PRO 4.1.1 SSL - 您的连接不是私密的

标签 ssl mamp mamp-pro

我已经将 MAMP 与 SSL 一起使用了一段时间,没有任何问题,但升级到 4.1.1 后它们就坏了。升级前运行良好的本地站点现在显示“您的连接不是私有(private)连接”。

我的方法一直是: - 创建本地站点 - 在 MAMP PRO 的 SSL 选项卡上启用和创建 SSL - 将 .crt 文件拖入 Keychain 并告诉它始终信任

我认为这是最新版 Mamp pro 的错误。是否有人遇到同样的问题,或者如果它对您有用,您在 4.1.1 上本地使用 SSL 的步骤是什么?谢谢!


这是 Chrome 58 更新。我联系了 Mamp 支持:-

Hi, Chrome just updated to v58 and now all my MAMP self-signed certificates apparently need to use subjectAltName instead of Common Name.

I'm assuming MAMP is using Applications/MAMP/Library/OpenSSL/openssl.cnf to config the certs.

Is this something that will be patched in future versions, as I like the ease with which I can add certificates in MAMP? (or maybe it's not a MAMP issue at all)


We are looking into this. We will have a new version of MAMP PRO available in several weeks. I can't guarantee the fix will be in this version. The developers are aware there is an issue.

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