java - 在哪里可以找到特定版本的 IBM JDK/JRE for Windows?

标签 java websphere j9

我正在尝试获得一个与 Websphere 一起工作的对 JDK 相当敏感的 Oracle 软件,我需要找到一些特定版本的 IBM JDK 来尝试。问题是 IBM 并没有真正像 Sun/Oracle 那样提供这些工具,而且我能得到的所有版本都因为这样或那样的原因而无法使用。

适用于 Windows 的 IBM Java 5 SR9(理想)
适用于 Windows
的 IBM Java 5 SR2 适用于 Windows

的 IBM Java 5 SR10

我怎样才能直接从 IBM 获得这些?我的公司有 Websphere 的支持契约(Contract),如果我能告诉他们去哪里,我希望能让我们的一位 Websphere 工程师下载它。



由于之前Java License的限制,JDK不能由IBM等厂商单独提供。

目前我无法从任何 IBM 站点提取此信息,但我非常确定过去这些许可限制。

这是该空间中另一位先生的帖子: 来自:

Unfortunately you can get hold of the JDK only as part of another IBM product (say, Websphere or any Rational product) that you purchased. Our licensing agreement with Sun/Oracle forbids us from providing direct downloads of the IBM JDK on any platforms that Oracle/Sun also support (namely Windows and Linux). If you look at the Java downloads section of the developerWorks website, you'll only find SDKs for AIX, z/OS and Linux on System p/z, since those are IBM owned platforms that Oracle doesn't support.

Since the JDK is shipped along with Websphere/Rational/Tivoli products, you can use it if you already have one of them deployed(though even then you may have SR8 FP1, unless you also install the very latest fix packs for those products).

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