c# - .asax.cs 页面附加 :443 to URLs

标签 c# ssl https

我不熟悉 ASP 或 C#,但我遇到了一个难题,在强制 SSL/Mobile View URLS 后附加了 :443。例如,用户将被服务 https://www.example.com/Mobile:443/ 代替 : https://www.example.com/Mobile

我认为这是 global.asax.cs 页面中的相关代码部分:

            if (!isOnMobilePage && !isOnMobilePageJSLib && !isOnMobilePageImages && !isOnMobilePageContent && !isOnMobilePageScripts && !isOnMobilePageJS && !isOnMobilePagescrollbar && !isOnMobilePagefonts)
                string URL1 = Context.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString();
                Uri uri1 = new Uri(URL1);
                UriBuilder builder1 = new UriBuilder(uri1);
                builder1.Host = builder1.Host + "/Mobile";

                Uri result1 = builder1.Uri;
                URL1 = result1.AbsoluteUri.ToString();
                string redirectTo1 = URL1.Replace(":80", "");




443 是 SSL 端口。要删除它,请尝试

  builder1.Port = -1;

在附加/Mobile 之前

关于c# - .asax.cs 页面附加 :443 to URLs,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49495026/


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