php - 无法在 Windows 10 Pro build 1809 : SSL operation failed with code 1 上安装 Composer

标签 php ssl openssl composer-php

我尝试在全新安装的 Windows 10 Pro build 1809 上安装 Composer,但收到此错误消息。

The Composer installer script was not successful [exit code 1]. OpenSSL failed with a 'certificate verify failed' error. This indicates a problem with the Certificate Authority file(s) on your system, which may be out of date.

证书位置[来自 openssl.cafile ini 设置]:


您的命令行 PHP 使用的 php.ini 是:D:\xampp\php\php.ini


The "" file could not be downloaded: SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:  
error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed
    Failed to enable crypto
    failed to open stream: operation failed

我尝试用 中的“cacert.pem”替换“curl-ca-bundle.crt”或使用“ca-bundle.crt”,但这没什么,错误消息仍然发生。




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