apache - 无法使用 Chrome 访问网络

标签 apache ssl openssl

我们刚刚设置了一个网站,IE 和 firefox 可以正常访问它,但是当使用 Chrome 时,https 不起作用,它会弹出以下错误,请问我该如何解决?谢谢


identity not verified.

the identity of this website has been verified by geo trust ssl CA but     does not have public audit records.

the site is using outdate security setting that may prevent future version of Chrome from being able to safely access it.

Your connection to mysite.com is encrypted with obsolete cryptography.

the connection uses TLS 1.2.

the connection is encrypted using RC4_128 with SHA1 for message authentication and RSA as the key exchange mechanism.


如果您在 Chrome 中看到一条 SSL 错误消息“您的连接不是私密的”,这意味着您的互联网连接或您的计算机正在阻止 Chrome 安全地加载页面。

如果您是网络用户并且看到此警告,您可以联系网站所有者以确保他们知道该警告。该网站今天的安全性不亚于上个月,但 Google 已开始提高人们对安全性较低的 SHA-1 签名证书的认识。

The certificate is unable to be audited. In other words, it does not have the necessary information to be able to go to the CA and check if the certificate has been manually revoked prior to its expiration.

其证书链使用 SHA-1 且在 2017 年 1 月 1 日之后有效的 HTTPS 网站将不再在 Chrome 的用户界面中显示为完全值得信赖。


检查与网站的连接 here .

废除 SHA-1 - blog

更多信息请参见 security.exchange

关于apache - 无法使用 Chrome 访问网络,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29787365/


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