ssl - 为什么在我的表单中添加一个简单的星形图标会禁用 SSL?

标签 ssl

出于未知原因,每当我在其中添加内部 CSS 以将星形图标添加到“评论表单”时,我网站上的事件 SSL 在 1 个指定页面上变得不活动。当我删除该样式部分时,SSL 再次备份。 我真的不知道如何在我的表单中添加一个简单的星形图标来禁用 SSL?有人有任何线索或技巧吗?


Visual example of the form, with and without stars / active SSL

                                <form action="process-review" method="post">
                                    Overall score:
                                    <br><span class="starRating1">
                                      <input id="rating5A" type="radio" name="rating1" value="5" required>
                                      <label for="rating5A">5</label>
                                      <input id="rating4A" type="radio" name="rating1" value="4">
                                      <label for="rating4A">4</label>
                                      <input id="rating3A" type="radio" name="rating1" value="3">
                                      <label for="rating3A">3</label>
                                      <input id="rating2A" type="radio" name="rating1" value="2">
                                      <label for="rating2A">2</label>
                                      <input id="rating1A" type="radio" name="rating1" value="1">
                                      <label for="rating1A">1</label>
                                    <textarea style="background-color: #3382F8; color: white; font-size: 17px; border: 2px solid #000B68;" name="comment1" rows="5" cols="48" maxlength="10000"></textarea>
                                    <br> Graphics:
                                    <br><span class="starRating2">
                                      <input id="rating5B" type="radio" name="rating2" value="5" required>
                                      <label for="rating5B">5</label>
                                      <input id="rating4B" type="radio" name="rating2" value="4">
                                      <label for="rating4B">4</label>
                                      <input id="rating3B" type="radio" name="rating2" value="3">
                                      <label for="rating3B">3</label>
                                      <input id="rating2B" type="radio" name="rating2" value="2">
                                      <label for="rating2B">2</label>
                                      <input id="rating1B" type="radio" name="rating2" value="1">
                                      <label for="rating1B">1</label>
                                    <textarea style="background-color: #3382F8; color: white; font-size: 17px; border: 2px solid #000B68;" name="comment2" rows="2" cols="48" maxlength="10000"></textarea>
                                    <br> Sound:
                                    <br><span class="starRating3">
                                      <input id="rating5C" type="radio" name="rating3" value="5" required>
                                      <label for="rating5C">5</label>
                                      <input id="rating4C" type="radio" name="rating3" value="4">
                                      <label for="rating4C">4</label>
                                      <input id="rating3C" type="radio" name="rating3" value="3">
                                      <label for="rating3C">3</label>
                                      <input id="rating2C" type="radio" name="rating3" value="2">
                                      <label for="rating2C">2</label>
                                      <input id="rating1C" type="radio" name="rating3" value="1">
                                      <label for="rating1C">1</label>
                                    <textarea style="background-color: #3382F8; color: white; font-size: 17px; border: 2px solid #000B68;" name="comment3" rows="2" cols="48" maxlength="10000"></textarea>
                                    <br> Gameplay:
                                    <br><span class="starRating4">
                                      <input id="rating5D" type="radio" name="rating4" value="5" required>
                                      <label for="rating5D">5</label>
                                      <input id="rating4D" type="radio" name="rating4" value="4">
                                      <label for="rating4D">4</label>
                                      <input id="rating3D" type="radio" name="rating4" value="3">
                                      <label for="rating3D">3</label>
                                      <input id="rating2D" type="radio" name="rating4" value="2">
                                      <label for="rating2D">2</label>
                                      <input id="rating1D" type="radio" name="rating4" value="1">
                                      <label for="rating1D">1</label>
                                    <textarea style="background-color: #3382F8; color: white; font-size: 17px; border: 2px solid #000B68;" name="comment4" rows="2" cols="48" maxlength="10000"></textarea>
                                    <br> Story:
                                    <br><span class="starRating5">
                                      <input id="rating5E" type="radio" name="rating5" value="5" required>
                                      <label for="rating5E">5</label>
                                      <input id="rating4E" type="radio" name="rating5" value="4">
                                      <label for="rating4E">4</label>
                                      <input id="rating3E" type="radio" name="rating5" value="3">
                                      <label for="rating3E">3</label>
                                      <input id="rating2E" type="radio" name="rating5" value="2">
                                      <label for="rating2E">2</label>
                                      <input id="rating1E" type="radio" name="rating5" value="1">
                                      <label for="rating1E">1</label>
                                    <textarea style="background-color: #3382F8; color: white; font-size: 17px; border: 2px solid #000B68;" name="comment5" rows="2" cols="48" maxlength="10000"></textarea>
                                    <br> User Interface:
                                    <br><span class="starRating6">
                                      <input id="rating5F" type="radio" name="rating6" value="5" required>
                                      <label for="rating5F">5</label>
                                      <input id="rating4F" type="radio" name="rating6" value="4">
                                      <label for="rating4F">4</label>
                                      <input id="rating3F" type="radio" name="rating6" value="3">
                                      <label for="rating3F">3</label>
                                      <input id="rating2F" type="radio" name="rating6" value="2">
                                      <label for="rating2F">2</label>
                                      <input id="rating1F" type="radio" name="rating6" value="1">
                                      <label for="rating1F">1</label>
                                    <textarea style="background-color: #3382F8; color: white; font-size: 17px; border: 2px solid #000B68;" name="comment6" rows="2" cols="48" maxlength="10000"></textarea>
                                    <br> Name* (will be published with your review):
                                    <input style="background-color: #3382F8; color: white; font-size: 17px; border: 2px solid #000B68;" type="text" name="name1" size="50" maxlength="50" required/>
                                    <br> E-mail (hidden with your review):
                                    <input style="background-color: #3382F8; color: white; font-size: 17px; border: 2px solid #000B68;" type="text" name="email1" size="50" maxlength="50" />
                                    <br> Anti-bot verification*:
                                    <div class="check">
                                    <label>4 x 3 =</label>
                                    <input min="0" max="999999" style="background-color: #3382F8; color: white; font-size: 17px; border: 2px solid #000B68;" type="number" name="not_robot1" required="required">
                                    <input style="background-color: #3382F8; color: white; font-size: 17px; border: 2px solid #000B68;" type="submit" name="submit" value="Send" />
        .starRating1:not(old) {
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                    height: 1.5em;
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                    width: 7.5em;
                    height: 1.5em;
                    overflow: hidden;
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                .starRating4:not(old) > input {
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                    opacity: 0;

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                    position: relative;
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                    display: inline-block;
                    width: 7.5em;
                    height: 1.5em;
                    overflow: hidden;
                    vertical-align: bottom;

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                    opacity: 0;

                .starRating6:not(old) > label {
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                    background: url('');
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                    width: 1.5em;
                    height: 1.5em;
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                    background-size: contain;
                    opacity: 0;
                    transition: opacity 0.2s linear;

                .starRating6:not(old) > label:hover:before,
                .starRating6:not(old) > label:hover ~ label:before,
                .starRating6:not(:hover) >:checked ~ label:before {
                    opacity: 1;



background: url('');


关于ssl - 为什么在我的表单中添加一个简单的星形图标会禁用 SSL?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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