ssl - 使用 https 时出现 http 403.4 错误

标签 ssl asp-classic https iis-6

我收到 http 错误 403.4 - Forbidden: SSL is required to view the resource error using IIS6,即使 url 以 https 开头。

这是一个经典的 asp 站点,在文件路径更改之前一直有效。必须更改路径,因为必须升级站点。得到错误后;放回原来的路径也不行。



尝试关注 Configuring SSL on a Web Server or Web Site (IIS 6.0)来自微软。它特别提到了你得到的错误:

If you set your Web site to require SSL, as in step 6 above, and you have not completed setting up SSL for the site, then users browsing your site will receive this error: "HTTP Error 403.4 - Forbidden: SSL is required to view this resource." To avoid this condition, either complete all the steps in the list above, or go back and clear the Require Secure Channel (SSL) check box (see step 6).

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