MySQL 选择内部连接和联合

标签 mysql sql union inner-join

我有这两张表。我有当前玩家 id_player,我想从这个玩家 (id_player) 和他的对手信息中选择所有游戏。当前玩家和对手玩家连接同一个 id_game。或


table game:`id_game` (...)
table game_player:`id_game_player, id_player, id_game`(...)

"give me all separate game info from current player and his opponent and join info for their game (grouped by game)"


      +---player game info
game1 |
      +---opponent game info

      +---player game info
game2 |
      +---opponent1 game info

      +---player game info
game2 |
      +---opponent2 game info

任何人都可以提供我的 MySQL 解决方案吗?


编辑: 我尝试使用此代码,但我不确定这是最快的方法(WHERE IN),是否有任何方法可以像上面那样对结果进行分组?

SELECT * FROM game_player
    JOIN `game` ON game.id_game = game_player.id_game
    WHERE game_player.id_game
    IN (
    SELECT game_player.id_game
    FROM `game_player`
    WHERE game_player.id_player =2)



SET @player_ID = 0;                  -- <<== the playerID
SELECT  a.*, b.*, 'player' Status         -- this is the first part of the union
FROM    game a                            -- which gets all the game of
        INNER JOIN game_player b          -- the selected player and its info
            ON a.id_game = b.id_game
WHERE   id_player = @player_ID 
SELECT  d.*, c.*, 'opponent' status
FROM    game_player c
        INNER JOIN
            SELECT  a.*
            FROM    game aa
                    INNER JOIN game_player bb
                        ON aa.id_game = bb.id_game
            WHERE   bb.id_player = @player_ID
        ) d ON c.id_game = d.id_game AND c.id_player <> @player_ID
ORDER   BY id_game, status

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