php - 选择 MySQL 范围内的所有时间戳

标签 php mysql unix-timestamp date-range



ID | Title             |Where     |tri| Start      | End        | tro
"4"|"Planingfrenzy"    |"Street 8"|"0"|"1395835200"|"1395846000"|"1"
"5"|"Other meeting"    |"Road 8"  |"0"|"1395140400"|"1395158400"|"1"
"6"|"Third meeting"    |"Lane 8"  |"0"|"1395819000"|"1395824400"|"1"
"8"|"Weekend at cyprus"|"Cyprus"  |"0"|"1395928800"|"1396162800"|"1"

我在选择一天内发生的所有事件时遇到问题。 我尝试了以下两个查询,但它们只返回那些在同一天开始和结束的事件。

   Start is a unixtimestamp for the beginning of the day
   End is a unixtimestamp for the end of the day

//This Returns to many events since all events that ends before the end timestamp is a match etc. 
SELECT * FROM events WHERE (start > ? OR end<?) 

//This matches all events that start and end at the same day. But a multi day event like "Weekend at cyprus" isn't returned since it is out of range
SELECT * FROM events WHERE (start > ? AND end<?)

如果开始/结束范围“触及”查询的时间戳范围,MySQL 或 PHP 是否有某种方法可以匹配?



where start < (?end) and end > (?start)


在这个答案中,(?end) 是当天的最后一个时间戳,(?start) 是第一个。

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