java - 如何指定要在 SSL session 中使用的密码套件

标签 java sockets networking ssl network-programming

我在端口 443 上创建了一个套接字,如下所示:

socket = (SSLSocket) factory.createSocket(hostName, port);


String[] enCiphersuite=socket.getEnabledCipherSuites();
System.out.println("Enabled ciphersuites are: "+Arrays.toString(enCiphersuite));


String pickedCipher[] ={"TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA"}; 
System.out.println("ciphersuite set to: "+Arrays.toString(pickedCipher));

然后我进行了握手,并检查了 session 密码套件:

System.out.println("Session ciphersuite is"+socket.getSession().getCipherSuite() );

但是我发现握手后在前面的打印输出语句中打印的密码名称(据我了解,这是 session 中实际使用的密码)不是我之前使用setEnabledCipherSuites()<设置的密码

为什么我仍然看不到我选择的密码套件是用过的?而且,我还尝试了 getEnabledCipherSuites() 并在我 setEnabledCipherSuites 之后打印出来,发现列表没有更改为我设置的内容。我不确定何时打印已启用的密码套件,此密码套件列表是否取决于 Java 并且始终是相同的列表,还是取决于客户端或服务器?任何人都可以解释吗?

编辑: 在握手之前,我只有以下几行:

SSLSocketFactory factory = HttpsURLConnection.getDefaultSSLSocketFactory(); 
SSLSocket socket=null;
try {
socket = (SSLSocket) factory.createSocket(hostName, port);
socket.startHandshake(); //handshake


I found out that I added socket.getsession() before the setEnableCipherSuite() in order to print out the enabled cipheres before setting them. When I removed it, the cipher has been set. why is that ?

SSLSocket JavaDoc 中所述:

The initial handshake on this connection can be initiated in one of three ways:

  • calling startHandshake which explicitly begins handshakes, or
  • any attempt to read or write application data on this socket causes an implicit handshake, or
  • a call to getSession tries to set up a session if there is no currently valid session, and an implicit handshake is done.

如果您在调用setEnabledCipherSuite()之前调用了getSession(),那么当您尝试设置启用的密码套件时握手已经完成,因此本次 session 的密码套件已被选中。

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