mysql - 在sql中的表中用不同的字符串替换字符串

标签 mysql replace xampp substitution


我正在尝试替换 sql 中特定列中的查询结果。表格如下:

| firstName | lastName | major | minor | credits |
| Owen      | McCarthy | Math  | CSCI  |       0 |
| Mary      | Jones    | Math  | CSCI  |      42 |

我需要将 Math 改为 Mathematics,将 CSCI 改为 Computer Science。有没有我可以替换它的特定代码?


select firstName, lastname, major, minor, credits from student where major = 'Math' and minor = 'CSCI'; 

感谢任何帮助,谢谢,祝你星期天 super 碗愉快



不过,在单个查询中,您可以使用 case 表达式。但是,在您的查询中,由于 where 子句,这甚至不是必需的。只需使用常量:

select firstName, lastname,
       'Mathematics' as major, 'Computer Science' as minor, credits
from student
where major = 'Math' and minor = 'CSCI'; 

如果没有 where 子句,您会:

select firstName, lastname,
       (case when major = 'Math' then 'Mathematics' else major end) as major,
       (case when minor = 'CSCI' then 'Computer Science' else minor end) as minor,
from student;

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