php - Laravel 关系查询

标签 php mysql laravel laravel-5.4 eloquent

我有 2 个模型 OrderDetailsProduct

//OrderDetail MOdel 

    class OrderDetail extends Model
        protected $fillable = ['order_id', 'product_id', 'quantity'];

        protected $hidden = ['created_at','updated_at','deleted_at'];

        public function product() 
            return $this->hasMany('App\Product', 'id');

 //OrderDetails Migration

    Schema::create('order_details', function (Blueprint $table) {

//Products Model

    class Product extends Model
        use SoftDeletes;

        protected $fillable = ['name'];

        protected $hidden = ['created_at','updated_at','deleted_at'];

        protected $dates = ['deleted_at'];

        public function productCategory()
            return $this->belongsTo('App\ProductCategory', 'category_id');

        public function orderDetail()
            return $this->belongsTo('App\OrderDetail');

//products migration
    Schema::create('products', function (Blueprint $table) {
        $table->enum('trending', ['yes','no']);
        $table->enum('status', ['available','unavailable']);

当用户通过 Order_id 时,我必须提供订单的订单详细信息(产品和数量),在我的 Controller 中我能够返回 order_detailsproducts 使用关系

        public function getDbOrderDetails($order_id)
            $get_orders_details = OrderDetail::where('order_id', $order_id)

            $data = [
                'data' => $get_orders_details

            return Response::json(
                $data_with_status = array_merge($this->respondSuccess('query successfull'), $data)

    "status_code": 200,
    "status_message": "query successfull",
    "data": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Chicken Leg Piece",
            "proportion": "1 kg",
            "mrp": "200",
            "price": "185",
            "category_id": "2",
            "description": "Description about the product",
            "image_small": "Sign.jpg",
            "image_zoom": "Sign.jpg",
            "trending": "no",
            "status": "available"
        2,  //should be inside the above object
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Chicken Leg Piece",
            "proportion": "2 kg",
            "mrp": "425",
            "price": "400",
            "category_id": "1",
            "description": "Description about the product",
            "image_small": "Sign.jpg",
            "image_zoom": "Sign.jpg",
            "trending": "yes",
            "status": "available"
        3  //should be inside the above object


    "status_code": 200,
    "status_message": "query successfull",
    "data": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Chicken Leg Piece",
            "proportion": "1 kg",
            "mrp": "200",
            "price": "185",
            "category_id": "2",
            "description": "Description about the product",
            "image_small": "Sign.jpg",
            "image_zoom": "Sign.jpg",
            "trending": "no",
            "status": "available",
            "quantity": 2,            //from order details table
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Chicken Leg Piece",
            "proportion": "2 kg",
            "mrp": "425",
            "price": "400",
            "category_id": "1",
            "description": "Description about the product",
            "image_small": "Sign.jpg",
            "image_zoom": "Sign.jpg",
            "trending": "yes",
            "status": "available",
            "quantity": 4,           //from order details table





$mapped = $get_orders_details->map(function($v) {
    $v->product->quantity = $v->quantity;

    return $v->product;

$data = [
    'data' => $mapped

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