
标签 mysql sql

我还不太了解 REPLACE INTO 的工作原理。 据我了解,如果任何值与旧行值匹配,它将删除该行并插入更新的数据?


| name        | value          | city | address |
| First book  | a value        | NY   | NULL    |
| second book | an other value | LA   | NULL    |


REPLACE INTO book(name,value,city) VALUES ('second book','an other value','CA');

注意:名称和值相同但 mysql 仍插入新行?

| name        | value          | city | address |
| First book  | a value        | NY   | NULL    |
| second book | an other value | LA   | NULL    |
| second book | an other value | CA   | NULL    |


正如您可以从 this link 中读到的那样:

The result of the two SQL commands above can be achieved using a single query – using REPLACE INTO. REPLACE statement works the same way as the INSERT query. The only difference is the way they handle duplicate records. If there exists a unique index on a table and you attempted to insert a record that has a key value that’s previously inserted, that record will be deleted first and will insert the new record.


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