java - Android:具有两个不同 View 的 EfficientAdapter

标签 java android listview view adapter

我正在使用基于 EfficientAdapter example 的扩展版本的 BaseAdapter来自 SDK 演示示例。

我的数据基本上是一个对象 (ListPlaces),它包含一个包含实际地点列表的 ArrayList,可通过 listPlaces.getValues()。此 ArrayList 数据按范围排序,ArrayList 由一些特殊项(分隔符)组成,没有数据,但 separator 标志设置为 true

现在每当我的 EfficientAdapter 得到一个作为分隔符的数据对象时,它为 public boolean isEnabled(int position) 返回 false >public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) 膨胀两种不同的布局,具体取决于当前数据对象是由真实数据组成还是只是一个分隔符虚拟对象。

如果我每次都膨胀布局,这很好用。然而,每次都膨胀布局并调用 findViewById 会使 ListView 几乎慢得无法使用。

所以我尝试将 EfficientAdapter 与 ViewHolder 方法结合使用。但这并不是开箱即用的,因为我尝试访问两种不同的 View 。因此,每当我的 convertView != null(else-case)通过我们的 ViewHolder 访问布局上的项目时,当前一个 View 是分隔符时,它当然不会努力访问那里的 TextView,它仅在“真实”项目布局上可用。

所以我还强制我的 getView() 不仅在 convertView == null 时,而且在前一个 listRow 与当前的 listRow 不同时,都使布局膨胀: if (convertView == null || (listRow != listRow_previous)) { [....] }

这似乎现在几乎可以工作了。或者至少它不会从一开始就崩溃。但它仍然崩溃,我不知道我必须做些什么不同。我已经尝试查看 convertView.getID()convertView.getResources(),但到目前为止并没有太大帮助。也许其他人知道如何检查我当前的 convertView 是否与列表项布局或列表分隔符布局匹配。谢谢。

这是代码。在任何有 [...] 的地方,我都删除了一些不太重要的代码,以使其更易于阅读和理解:

private class EfficientAdapter extends BaseAdapter {
  private LayoutInflater mInflater;
  private ListPlaces listPlaces;

  private ListRow listRow;
  private ListRow listRow_previous;

  public EfficientAdapter(Context context, ListPlaces listPlaces) {
      // Cache the LayoutInflate to avoid asking for a new one each time.
      mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);

      // Data
      this.listPlaces = listPlaces;

    * The number of items in the list is determined by the number of items
    * in our ArrayList
    * @see android.widget.ListAdapter#getCount()
  public int getCount() {
      return listPlaces.getValues().size();

    * Since the data comes from an array, just returning the index is
    * sufficent to get at the data. If we were using a more complex data
    * structure, we would return whatever object represents one row in the
    * list.
    * @see android.widget.ListAdapter#getItem(int)
  public Object getItem(int position) {
      return position;

    * Use the array index as a unique id.
    * @see android.widget.ListAdapter#getItemId(int)
  public long getItemId(int position) {
      return position;

  public  boolean isEnabled(int position) {
      // return false if item is a separator:
      if(listPlaces.getValues().get(position).separator >= 0)
          return false;
          return true;

  public boolean  areAllItemsEnabled() {
      return false;         

    * Make a view to hold each row.
    * @see android.widget.ListAdapter#getView(int, android.view.View,
    *      android.view.ViewGroup)
  public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {

      // Get the values for the current list element
      ListPlacesValues curValues = listPlaces.getValues().get(position);
      if (curValues.separator >= 0) 
          listRow = ListRow.SEPARATOR;
          listRow = ListRow.ITEM;
      Log.i(TAG,"Adapter: getView("+position+") " + listRow + " (" + listRow_previous + ") -> START");

      // A ViewHolder keeps references to children views to avoid unneccessary calls
      // to findViewById() on each row.
      ViewHolder holder;

      // When convertView is not null, we can reuse it directly, there is no need
      // to reinflate it. We only inflate a new View when the convertView supplied
      // by ListView is null.
      if (convertView == null || (listRow != listRow_previous)) {
          Log.i(TAG, "--> (convertView == null) at position: " + position);
          // Creates a ViewHolder and store references to the two children views
          // we want to bind data to.
          holder = new ViewHolder();

          if (listRow == ListRow.SEPARATOR) {
              convertView = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.taxonomy_list_separator, null);
              holder.separatorText = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(;
              Log.i(TAG,"\tCREATE SEPARATOR: convertView ID: " + convertView.getId() + " Resource: " + convertView.getResources());

          else {

              convertView = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.taxonomy_listitem, null);
     = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(;
              holder.category = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(;
              // [...]


              Log.i(TAG,"\tCREATE ITEM: convertView ID: " + convertView.getId() + " Resource: " + convertView.getResources());
      } else {
          // Get the ViewHolder back to get fast access to the TextView
          // and the ImageView.
          Log.i(TAG,"\tconvertView ID: " + convertView.getId() + " Resource: " + convertView.getResources());

          holder = (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag();

      /* Bind the data efficiently with the holder */
      if (listRow == ListRow.SEPARATOR) {
          String separatorText;
          switch (curValues.separator) {
          case 0: separatorText="case 0"; break;
          case 1: separatorText="case 1"; break;
          case 2: separatorText="case 2"; break;
          // [...]
        default: separatorText="[ERROR]"; break;
      else {
          // Set the name:
          // Set category
          String cat = curValues.classification.toString();
          cat = cat.substring(1,cat.length()-1);    // removing "[" and "]"
          if (cat.length() > 35) {
              cat = cat.substring(0, 35);
              cat = cat + "...";

          // [...] (and many more TextViews and ImageViews to be set)


      listRow_previous = listRow;
      Log.i(TAG,"Adapter: getView("+position+") -> DONE");
      return convertView;

  private class ViewHolder {
      TextView name;
      TextView category;
      // [...] -> many more TextViews and ImageViews

      TextView separatorText;

这是我的 Logcat 输出:

  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  onPostExecute: notifyDataSetChanged()                                                                                                
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  Adapter: getView(0) SEPARATOR (null) -> START                                                                                        
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  --> (convertView == null) at position: 0                                                                                             
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I        CREATE SEPARATOR: convertView ID: 2131296317 Resource: android.content.res.Resources@437613e0                                  
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  Adapter: getView(0) -> DONE                                                                                                          
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  Adapter: getView(1) ITEM (SEPARATOR) -> START                                                                                        
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  --> (convertView == null) at position: 1                                                                                             
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I        CREATE ITEM: convertView ID: 2131296317 Resource: android.content.res.Resources@437613e0                                       
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  Adapter: getView(1) -> DONE                                                                                                          
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  Adapter: getView(2) SEPARATOR (ITEM) -> START                                                                                        
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  --> (convertView == null) at position: 2                                                                                             
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I        CREATE SEPARATOR: convertView ID: 2131296317 Resource: android.content.res.Resources@437613e0                                  
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  Adapter: getView(2) -> DONE                                                                                                          
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  Adapter: getView(3) ITEM (SEPARATOR) -> START                                                                                        
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  --> (convertView == null) at position: 3                                                                                             
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I        CREATE ITEM: convertView ID: 2131296317 Resource: android.content.res.Resources@437613e0                                       
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  Adapter: getView(3) -> DONE                                                                                                          
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  Adapter: getView(4) ITEM (ITEM) -> START                                                                                             
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I        convertView ID: 2131296317 Resource: android.content.res.Resources@437613e0                                                    
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  Adapter: getView(4) -> DONE                                                                                                          
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  Adapter: getView(5) ITEM (ITEM) -> START                                                                                             
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I        convertView ID: 2131296317 Resource: android.content.res.Resources@437613e0                                                    
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  Adapter: getView(5) -> DONE                                                                                                          
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  Adapter: getView(6) ITEM (ITEM) -> START                                                                                             
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I        convertView ID: 2131296317 Resource: android.content.res.Resources@437613e0                                                    
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  Adapter: getView(6) -> DONE                                                                                                          
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  Adapter: getView(0) SEPARATOR (ITEM) -> START                                                                                        
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  --> (convertView == null) at position: 0                                                                                             
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I        CREATE SEPARATOR: convertView ID: 2131296317 Resource: android.content.res.Resources@437613e0                                  
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  Adapter: getView(0) -> DONE                                                                                                          
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  Adapter: getView(1) ITEM (SEPARATOR) -> START                                                                                        
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  --> (convertView == null) at position: 1                                                                                             
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I        CREATE ITEM: convertView ID: 2131296317 Resource: android.content.res.Resources@437613e0                                       
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  Adapter: getView(1) -> DONE                                                                                                          
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  Adapter: getView(2) SEPARATOR (ITEM) -> START                                                                                        
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  --> (convertView == null) at position: 2                                                                                             
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I        CREATE SEPARATOR: convertView ID: 2131296317 Resource: android.content.res.Resources@437613e0                                  
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  Adapter: getView(2) -> DONE                                                                                                          
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  Adapter: getView(3) ITEM (SEPARATOR) -> START                                                                                        
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  --> (convertView == null) at position: 3                                                                                             
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I        CREATE ITEM: convertView ID: 2131296317 Resource: android.content.res.Resources@437613e0                                       
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  Adapter: getView(3) -> DONE                                                                                                          
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  Adapter: getView(4) ITEM (ITEM) -> START                                                                                             
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I        convertView ID: 2131296317 Resource: android.content.res.Resources@437613e0                                                    
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  Adapter: getView(4) -> DONE                                                                                                          
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I  Adapter: getView(5) ITEM (ITEM) -> START                                                                                             
  755     ListPlaces_Activity  I        convertView ID: 2131296317 Resource: android.content.res.Resources@437613e0                                                    
  755          AndroidRuntime  D  Shutting down VM                                                                                                                     
  755                dalvikvm  W  threadid=3: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4001aa28)                                                                
  755          AndroidRuntime  E  Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to uncaught exception                                                                      
  755          AndroidRuntime  E  java.lang.NullPointerException                                                                                                       
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at com.tato.main.ListPlaces_Activity$EfficientAdapter.getView(                                    
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at android.widget.HeaderViewListAdapter.getView(                                                
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at android.widget.AbsListView.obtainView(                                                                
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at android.widget.ListView.makeAndAddView(                                                                  
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at android.widget.ListView.fillDown(                                                                         
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at android.widget.ListView.fillFromTop(                                                                      
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at android.widget.ListView.layoutChildren(                                                                  
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at android.widget.AbsListView.onLayout(                                                                  
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at android.view.View.layout(                                                                                    
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at android.widget.LinearLayout.setChildFrame(                                                           
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at android.widget.LinearLayout.layoutVertical(                                                           
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at android.widget.LinearLayout.onLayout(                                                                 
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at android.view.View.layout(                                                                                    
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout(                                                                   
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at android.view.View.layout(                                                                                    
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at android.widget.LinearLayout.setChildFrame(                                                           
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at android.widget.LinearLayout.layoutVertical(                                                           
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at android.widget.LinearLayout.onLayout(                                                                 
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at android.view.View.layout(                                                                                    
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout(                                                                   
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at android.view.View.layout(                                                                                    
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at android.view.ViewRoot.performTraversals(                                                                  
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at android.view.ViewRoot.handleMessage(                                                                     
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(                                                                         
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at android.os.Looper.loop(                                                                                     
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at                                                                   
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)                                                                        
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(                                                                            
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at$                                             
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at                                                                
  755          AndroidRuntime  E        at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)    


您忘记了几个需要覆盖的方法:getViewTypeCount()getItemViewType() .所有行都相同的列表不需要这些,但它们对您的场景非常重要。正确实现这些,Android 将为您的标题和详细信息行维护单独的对象池。


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