php - 使用php在数据库中存储点击次数

标签 php mysql click

I am working on a project which includes image gallery.Now I want to store number of clicks/counts value into my database(developed in MySQL). I tried to do it in my own way, but problem is count/clicks value for all the images are stored in the database as same value.

The code given below is in the file main.php which displays images that is retrieved from database.The picture.php is the one that retrieves images from database. I have appended the code to count the number of clicks in picture.php so that it counts whenever the image is clicked.


    $query="SELECT * FROM files";
    $result=mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
         echo "<div class=single>
               <div class=wrap>
                   <a href=picture.php?fid=".$offer_id.">
                       <img src=picture.php?fid=".$offer_id."\">


         include "connect.php";
         $query="SELECT * FROM offers_em WHERE o_id =$fid";
         $result=mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

         $sql="UPDATE offers_em SET count+=1 WHERE o_id=".$fid;
         header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$name");
         header("Content-length: $size");
         header("Content-type: $type");
         echo $content;
         die("No file ID given...");


我不确定MySQL是否支持“+=”,试试 SET 计数 = 计数 + 1


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