php - MySQL 查询代码对 Web 服务的两个不同字段使用 OR

标签 php mysql arrays web-services

通常我可以解决这个问题,但格式看起来与我习惯的有点不同。我有一个使用 PHP 和 CodeIgnighter 的网络服务。该函数如下所示:

    function getCurrentSales($office_id)
        $CI =& get_instance();

        //Get the properties
        $where = array('field_SaleOfficeCode'=>$office_id);
        $where = array('field_ListOfficeCode'=>$office_id);
        $result = $CI->properties->getCurrentSales($where); 
        $properties = $result->result_array();

        foreach($properties as $p){
            //Get property images
            $where = array('ListingKey'=>$p['UniqueKey']);
            $property_arr[] = $p;

            return  $property_arr;


我想要做的是返回 field_ListOfficeCodefield_ListOfficeCode 的值为 $office_id 的行。就像现在一样,仅当 field_ListOfficeCode=>$office_id 时,而不是当其中一个或另一个等于该值时。


function getCurrentSales($where = null) {

    $this->db->select('field_ListingKey as UniqueKey,
                        field_LocaleListingStatus as Status,
                        field_CloseDate as ClosingDate,
                        field_ContractDate as ContractDate,
                        field_ListingID as MLS,
                        TRIM("#VARIES" from field_FullStreetAddress) as StreetAddress,
                        field_ListPrice as Price,
                        field_ListOfficeCode as BrokerID,
                        if(field_Beds != "", field_Beds, 0) as NumBeds,
                        if(field_BathsFull != "", field_BathsFull, 0) as NumFullBaths,
                        if(field_BathsHalf != "", field_BathsHalf, 0) as NumHalfBaths,
                        field_InternetRemarks as PropertyRemarks,
                        field_ListOfficeName as ListingOfficeName,
                        field_ListPicture3URL as MainPhoto,
                        CONCAT(field_ListAgentNickname, " ", field_ListAgentLastName, " ", (if(field_ListAgentNameSuffix = "NULL", field_ListAgentNameSuffix, ""))) as ListingAgent,
                        CONCAT(field_SaleAgentNickname, " ", field_SaleAgentLastName, " ", (if(field_SaleAgentNameSuffix = "NULL", field_SaleAgentNameSuffix, ""))) as SalesAgent,
                        CONCAT(field_City, ", ", field_State, " ", field_PostalCode) as AreaAddress', false);


    if($where != null){
        $this->db->where($where, false);
        $this->db->where('YEAR(field_ContractDate) = YEAR(NOW())', NULL, false);
        $this->db->where('MONTH(field_ContractDate) = MONTH(NOW())', NULL, false);

    $this->db->order_by('ContractDate', 'desc'); //get random row

    $query = $this->db->get();
    return $query;     


我不熟悉 CodeIgniter,但我怀疑你的问题出在这两行

$where = array('field_SaleOfficeCode'=>$office_id);
$where = array('field_ListOfficeCode'=>$office_id);

您实际上并不是在构建一个 where 子句数组,而是用第二个赋值覆盖第一个赋值,这解释了为什么您只得到匹配 field_ListOfficeCode == $office_id

根据 CodeIgniter 期望这些 where 子句的形成方式,我认为它应该类似于

$where = array(

或快速查看 the documentation

$where = array(

然后在您的getCurrentSales 函数中,它应该是


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