php - PHP While 循环中的 MySQL 更新

标签 php mysql




我写了一个 PHP 脚本,它应该执行以下操作:

  • 接收用户ID
  • 使用 WHERE 语句从两个表中删除用户的数据
  • 从服务器上删除用户上传的文件
  • 更新其他用户的排名,所以如果我删除了第 3 个用户,则之前的第 4 个成为第 3 个,第 5 个将成为新的第 4 个,依此类推。最后一部分是我的代码不起作用的地方。

这是完整的 PHP:

// Connecting to the server.
$con=mysqli_connect("connection data");

$rangcounter = 1;
//deleting the user's data - works: the user's data is deleted from both tables
    $id = $_POST['playerid'];
    mysqli_query($con,"DELETE FROM Player WHERE ID=$id");
    mysqli_query($con,"DELETE FROM Troops WHERE ID=$id");
//deleting the user's image from the server - works: the user's file is deleted
$directory = 'uploads/';
unlink($directory . $id . "picture.jpg");
//updating the database - does not work: the other users' ranks stay the same as before
$result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT  * FROM Player ORDER BY rank ASC");
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
    $updateid = $row['ID'];
    mysqli_query($con,"UPDATE Player SET 'rank' = $rangcounter WHERE ID='$updateid'");
    $rangcounter++; //this variable should always be correctly high rank for any given loop. This way I can remove the highest ranked user (1st), then set every other one's rank to one less: the previously 2nd becomes the new 1st (when `$rangcounter` is 1); the previous 3rd will be the new 2nd (when `$rangcounter` is 2), and so on for every row.

header("redirect to main page");

我的想法是创建一个新变量,它从 1 开始,然后在每次 UPDATE 时递增它。因为$result是按排名排序的,应该没有问题吧?但它不起作用,我相当确定这是因为一个简单的原因,但我就是无法确定。


更新:TJ- 已解决:MySQL update in a PHP While loop


在您的 mysqli_query 中的 $rangcounter 周围添加引号 ''

mysqli_query($con,"UPDATE Player SET 'rank' = '$rangcounter' WHERE ID='$updateid'");


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