java - 如何根据步数计算速度

标签 java android

我有一个计步器应用程序,我在其中运行一项服务,该服务计算所采取的步数,然后向 fragment 发送广播,然后在 fragment 上更新该 fragment 。计步工作正常,但我想根据步数计算速度。这是我现在正在尝试的。


receiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        int steps = intent.getIntExtra(StepCounterService.STEP_INCREMENT_KEY, 0);
        if (firstStepTime.equals("0")) {
            firstStepTime = intent.getStringExtra(StepCounterService.TIME_STAMP_KEY);
        } else if (secondStepTime.equals("0")) {
            secondStepTime = intent.getStringExtra(StepCounterService.TIME_STAMP_KEY);
        } else {
            firstStepTime = secondStepTime;
            secondStepTime = intent.getStringExtra(StepCounterService.TIME_STAMP_KEY);


所以我正在做的是,一旦我开始获取步数,我就会查看变量 firstStepTime 是否为空。如果是,我将时间保存在 firstStepTime 变量中。在下一步中,我会查看 secondStepTime 是否为空,如果是,我将该时间保存在 secondStepTime 变量中。 现在,对于接下来的步骤,这两个都已更新。

public void updateAllUI(int numberOfSteps) {

    if (!(firstStepTime.equals("0")) && !(secondStepTime.equals("0"))) {
        try {
            Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
            SimpleDateFormat timeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS");
            timeDifference = timeFormat.parse(secondStepTime).getTime() - timeFormat.parse(firstStepTime).getTime();

            speed = (float) ((0.0254 / (timeDifference * 0.001)) * 3.6);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            timeDifference = 0;
            speed = 0;

        textview.settext(speed +"Km/h);




由于您只计算步数并且只想计算所走步数的速度,我假设您不希望使用 GPS 计算速度,或者如果 GPS 不存在,您希望提供备用速度计数器。


    int interval=1*1000; //specifying interval to check steps


public void mySpeedChecker(){
// assuming steps taken stored in a global variable
// and there is one more variable which is updated by this function 
// to store number of steps before as global variable to calculate number of steps in time interval. 
// this should check if another step has been taken in the interval to check
// if stepsTaken>0 then speed is not zero and you'll know how much steps are taken
// if zero steps are taken then speed is zero 
// also it will tell you number of steps taken in last second 
// so you can use this to calculate and update speed 
// increase the interval for high accuracy but lower frequency of updates 

此外,在 GPS 可用时计算用户步幅是个好主意,因此,每当用户使用 GPS 时,都可以通过在 GPS 的帮助下找出覆盖的距离/步数来计算步长,这将借助步数,帮助您的系统准确计算用户走过的距离。

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