php - 数据的异常排序 - 按固定数据 id 排序

标签 php mysql sorting sql-order-by


sid - auto increment
name - just something to distinguish varchar 100
sorting - this is where we define the exact position of the item 

如果我们给任何产品sorting = 2,它无论如何都会排在第二位。但它应该由排序定义。

我无法使用 order by sorting desc 来排列项目,因为大多数项目都没有分配任何位置。由于某些已分配值的条目具有 sorting = 0,因此根据计划,所有排序值不等于 0 的项目都应放在其他项目之前。


   $getthedetails=mysqli_query($conn,"select sid,sorting,name from sorting order by sorting asc");
  while($thelistis=mysqli_fetch_array($getthedetails)){ ?>
  <div style="width:100px;font-weight:bold;color:#000;font-size:19px;font-   family:arial;height:100px;padding:49px;background:silver;float:left;margin:10px;">
   <?php } ?>

理想情况下,我希望排序类似于 1,0,0,4,5,0,0,8。

我想要的是类似 this 的东西.



$getthedetails=mysqli_query($conn,"select id,sorting,name from tbl_sorting order by sorting asc");
$arrayList = array();
    $arrayList[] = $thelistis;

foreach($arrayList as $key=>$list){
    if($list['sorting'] != 0){
        //Keep current element of array
        $temp = $arrayList[$key];
        //Make current element same as with the one to swap
        $arrayList[$key] = $arrayList[$list['sorting']-1];
        //Swap the kept one to its place
        $arrayList[$list['sorting']-1] = $temp;

foreach($arrayList as $key=>$list){?>

<div style="width:100px;font-weight:bold;color:#000;font-size:19px;font-   family:arial;height:100px;padding:49px;background:silver;float:left;margin:10px;">
    <?php echo $list['sorting']?>
<?php } ?>

enter image description here

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