php - Propel ORM - UNION 查询

标签 php mysql union propel

我在网站上浏览了相关问题,但没有一个能真正回答我的问题。我在使用 Propel 的网站中有以下声明:

$query = $query
  ->joinWith("Request.SupportStatus SupportStatus")
  ->joinWith("Request.CustomerGroup CustomerGroup", Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)
  ->joinWith("Request.Customer Customer", Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)
  ->joinWith("Request.Site Site", Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)
  ->joinWith("Request.InternalUser InternalUser", Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)
  ->joinWith("Request.User User", Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)
  ->orderBy("CreatedDate", Criteria::ASC);

$conditions = array(
  "and" => array(),
  "or" => array()

if(isset($args["QueryText"]) && $args["QueryText"] != "") {
  $query = $query
    ->withColumn("(MATCH (Request.Subject, Request.Detail) AGAINST ('" . $args["QueryText"] . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) + MATCH (Response.Response) AGAINST ('" . $args["QueryText"] . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE))", "RequestRelevance")
    ->condition('cond1', "(MATCH (Request.Subject, Request.Detail) AGAINST ('" . $args["QueryText"] . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) + MATCH (Response.Response) AGAINST ('" . $args["QueryText"] . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE)) > 0.2")
    ->condition('cond2', 'Request.Id = ?', $args["QueryText"])
    ->where(array('cond1', 'cond2'), 'or')
    ->orderBy("RequestRelevance", Criteria::DESC);

if(isset($args["OpenCallsOnly"]) && $args["OpenCallsOnly"] == 1) {
  $query = $query

if(isset($args["ClosedCallsOnly"]) && $args["ClosedCallsOnly"] == 1) {
  $query = $query


foreach ($conditions as $key => $value) {
    $query = $query
      ->where($value, $key);

但是,如果按 ClosedCallsOnly 排序(将近 50000 个结果),此查询在网站上执行需要 20 秒,如果使用原始 SQL,则需要超过 8 秒。我已使用 UNION 语句将其优化为以下查询:

requests.requestID AS "Id", requests.subject AS "Subject", requests.detail AS "Detail", requests.created AS "CreatedDate", requests.lastresponsedate AS "LastResponseDate", SupportStatus.supportstatusID AS "SupportStatus.Id", SupportStatus.supportstatus AS "SupportStatus.Name", SupportStatus.isnew AS "SupportStatus.IsNew", SupportStatus.isclosed AS "SupportStatus.IsClosed", CustomerGroup.customergroupID AS "CustomerGroup.Id", CustomerGroup.customergroup AS "CustomerGroup.Name", Site.siteID AS "Site.Id", AS "Site.Name", InternalUser.userID AS "InternalUser.Id", InternalUser.username AS "InternalUser.Username", User.userID AS "User.Id", User.username AS "User.Username", Customer.customerID AS "Customer.Id", Customer.customer AS "Customer.Name", Customer.customergroupID AS "Customer.CustomerGroupId", Customer.rate AS "Customer.Rate"
FROM requests
  LEFT JOIN responses Response ON (requests.requestID=Response.requestID)
  INNER JOIN supportstatus SupportStatus ON (requests.supportstatusID=SupportStatus.supportstatusID)
  INNER JOIN customergroups CustomerGroup ON (requests.customergroupID=CustomerGroup.customergroupID)
  INNER JOIN customers Customer ON (requests.customerID=Customer.customerID)
  INNER JOIN sites Site ON (requests.siteID=Site.siteID)
  LEFT JOIN users InternalUser ON (requests.internal_userID=InternalUser.userID)
  LEFT JOIN users User ON (requests.userID=User.userID)
WHERE ((MATCH (requests.subject, requests.detail) AGAINST ('slow pc' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
ORDER BY requests.created ASC)
requests.requestID AS "Id", requests.subject AS "Subject", requests.detail AS "Detail", requests.created AS "CreatedDate", requests.lastresponsedate AS "LastResponseDate", SupportStatus.supportstatusID AS "SupportStatus.Id", SupportStatus.supportstatus AS "SupportStatus.Name", SupportStatus.isnew AS "SupportStatus.IsNew", SupportStatus.isclosed AS "SupportStatus.IsClosed", CustomerGroup.customergroupID AS "CustomerGroup.Id", CustomerGroup.customergroup AS "CustomerGroup.Name", Site.siteID AS "Site.Id", AS "Site.Name", InternalUser.userID AS "InternalUser.Id", InternalUser.username AS "InternalUser.Username", User.userID AS "User.Id", User.username AS "User.Username", Customer.customerID AS "Customer.Id", Customer.customer AS "Customer.Name", Customer.customergroupID AS "Customer.CustomerGroupId", Customer.rate AS "Customer.Rate"
FROM requests
  LEFT JOIN responses Response ON (requests.requestID=Response.requestID)
  INNER JOIN supportstatus SupportStatus ON (requests.supportstatusID=SupportStatus.supportstatusID)
  INNER JOIN customergroups CustomerGroup ON (requests.customergroupID=CustomerGroup.customergroupID)
  INNER JOIN customers Customer ON (requests.customerID=Customer.customerID)
  INNER JOIN sites Site ON (requests.siteID=Site.siteID)
  LEFT JOIN users InternalUser ON (requests.internal_userID=InternalUser.userID)
  LEFT JOIN users User ON (requests.userID=User.userID)
WHERE (requests.requestID = 'slow pc')
ORDER BY requests.created ASC)
Request.requestID AS "Id", Request.subject AS "Subject", Request.detail AS "Detail", Request.created AS "CreatedDate", Request.lastresponsedate AS "LastResponseDate", SupportStatus.supportstatusID AS "SupportStatus.Id", SupportStatus.supportstatus AS "SupportStatus.Name", SupportStatus.isnew AS "SupportStatus.IsNew", SupportStatus.isclosed AS "SupportStatus.IsClosed", CustomerGroup.customergroupID AS "CustomerGroup.Id", CustomerGroup.customergroup AS "CustomerGroup.Name", Site.siteID AS "Site.Id", AS "Site.Name", InternalUser.userID AS "InternalUser.Id", InternalUser.username AS "InternalUser.Username", User.userID AS "User.Id", User.username AS "User.Username", Customer.customerID AS "Customer.Id", Customer.customer AS "Customer.Name", Customer.customergroupID AS "Customer.CustomerGroupId", Customer.rate AS "Customer.Rate"
FROM responses
  LEFT JOIN requests Request ON (Request.requestID=responses.requestID)
  INNER JOIN supportstatus SupportStatus ON (Request.supportstatusID=SupportStatus.supportstatusID)
  INNER JOIN customergroups CustomerGroup ON (Request.customergroupID=CustomerGroup.customergroupID)
  INNER JOIN customers Customer ON (Request.customerID=Customer.customerID)
  INNER JOIN sites Site ON (Request.siteID=Site.siteID)
  LEFT JOIN users InternalUser ON (Request.internal_userID=InternalUser.userID)
  LEFT JOIN users User ON (Request.userID=User.userID)
  MATCH (responses.response) AGAINST ('slow pc' IN BOOLEAN MODE)))
ORDER BY Request.created ASC)

这条语句的执行时间缩短了大约 8 倍,这确实不错,但不幸的是,我不确定如何将其转换为 Propel 查询。从其他问题来看,似乎无法在 Propel 中使用 UNION 。我知道在 Propel 中使用 SQL 语句是可能的,但是由于 Propel 查询在这个类的其他任何地方都被使用,我不确定它怎么可能?我怎样才能将此查询实现到我的网站中?如果需要,我可以为此类提供更多代码。


在 propel 博客上有一篇关于它的文章,解释了什么时候使用原始 sql 而不是查询 API 更有趣,你的案例似乎完全符合要求(很多连接)。


"This query is not object-oriented, it’s purely relational, so it doesn’t need an Object-Relational Mapping. The best way to execute this query inside an ORM is to skip the ORM and use PDO directly :"

$con = Propel::getConnection();
$query = 'SELECT COUNT(t1.user) AS users, t1.choice AS lft, t2.choice AS rgt
  FROM choice t1 iNNER JOIN choice t2 ON (t1.user = t2.user)
  WHERE t1.choice IN (?, ?) AND t2.choice IN (?, ?)
  GROUP BY t1.choice, t2.choice';
$stmt = $con->prepare($query);
$stmt->bindValue(1, 'foo');
$stmt->bindValue(2, 'bar');
$stmt->bindValue(3, 'baz');
$stmt->bindValue(4, 'foz');
$res = $stmt->execute();

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