php - Vtiger CRM 6.4.0 - 配置邮件管理器时的问题

标签 php mysql vtiger vtigercrm

我正在尝试使用“其他”邮件服务器在邮件管理器上设置一个帐户,但是当我单击“设置”菜单上的“保存”按钮时,似乎详细信息已保存但如果刷新页面,Vtiger 会问我重新配置邮箱。因此,我之前输入的详细信息尚未保存,数据库“vtiger_mail_account”表中的值为空。


  1. 启用 php_imap 扩展
  2. 服务器 Imap 也已启用

我该如何解决? 非常感谢。


Currently I am using vtiger 6.5 and i have same issue. I solve this by changing following seetings in php.ini 1)enable php_imap extension 2)later on check PHP_SAPI and update this in Vtigercron.php which is in yourvtigerdir/vtigercron.php  here you see this line 42 
in this line you need to change PHP_SAPI which is your sapi according to your php interface.3)You can check your sapi by echo PHP_SAPI; or echo '<pre>',print_r(php_sapi_name()),exit;
4)After above changes, Change 
  a) select organization type :: other
  b) Male server ip :: (enter your ip or mailser details)
  c) user name :: user or this mail as your personal mailid
  d) password  :: enter your own password.
  e) protocol  :: IMAP2 or IMAP4 (check by changing protocol)
  f) SSL options :: At starting level Use NO TLS.
  g) Certification validation :: Validate cert.
  f) referesh time :: 5

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