mysql - 具有奇数一对多关系的高效 SQL 模式设计

标签 mysql database-schema

我试图找出一种有效且高效的方法来实现两个表之间的以下关系,Lists(ListID, ListName)Items(ItemID, ItemName, Cost, Description, QuantityNeeded, QuantityPurchased),在 MySQL 数据库中:

A list can have many items. However, the Description, QuantityNeeded, and QuantityPurchased attributes in the Items table are specific to a list. For example, say one item has the attributes 1, Paper Towels, 5.99, NULL, 4, 2, and another is 2, Paper Towels, 5.99, NULL, 7, 0. Even though these have the same ItemName and Cost, they are from different lists.

实现它的最佳方式是什么?我考虑过将 ListID 属性添加到 Items 表中,以便每个项目“知道”它是哪个列表的一部分,但这可能会导致非常冗长的 WHERE 执行(正确?),我希望它尽可能高效。




-- list ListID has member ItemId
-- UNIQUE/PK (itemID)
-- FK (listID) references Lists
-- FK (itemID) references Items
Member(ListID, itemID)

或将 Items 替换为

-- list ListID has member ItemId and item ItemId ...
-- FK (ListID) referencing Lists
ItemsX(ListID, ItemID, ItemName, Cost, Description, QuantityNeeded, QuantityPurchased)

前者很难在SQL 中约束也具有FK Items (ItemID) 引用Member 的等价物,即每个项目都必须是某个列表的成员。因此通常会使用后者。


ItemsX = ListID, i.* from Member m join Items i on m.ItemID = i.ItemId
Items = select ItemID,... from ItemsX
Member = select ListID, ItemID from ItemsX


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