php - 如何通过比较PHP中的选项值将下拉值中的值插入数据库表?

标签 php mysql


Table #1- april
id  | month  | rent
1   |  null  | null

Table #2- may

id  |  month  |rent
1   |  null  | null

HTML 表单代码

<form  name="SelectPeriod" method="post" action="monthselect.php">
Select month:
<select name="month">
    $monthName = array("JANUARY", " FEBRUARY", " MARCH", " APRIL", " MAY", " JUNE", " JULY", " AUGUST", " SEPTEMBER", " OCTOBER ", " NOVEMBER ", " DECEMBER ");
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($monthName); $i++) {
        $mn = 1 + $i;
        if ($mn == date("m")) {
            echo "<option selected value = " . $mn . ">" . $monthName[$i] . "</option> \n";
        } else {
            echo "<option value = " . $mn . ">" . $monthName[$i] . "</option> \n";
<input type="text" name="rent" value="" placeholder="Enter rent input"/>
<input type="submit" name="selectmonth" value=" Go" /></form>

这里是用于插入的 php 代码

<?php   if (isset($_POST['selectmonth'])) {
$month=$_POST['month'];//name of drop-down
$rent = $_POST['rent'];//name of textbox
if ($month == 'APRIL') { //<---here is the problem how to compare with table
    $sql = "INSERT INTO april (month, rent) VALUES('$month','$rent')";
    $result = $con->query($sql);
    if ($result === TRUE) {
        echo 'Successfully Inserted';
    } else {
        echo 'There is a problem';
} elseif ($month == 'MAY') {
    $sql = "INSERT INTO may (month, rent) VALUES('$month','$rent')";
    $result = $con->query($sql);
    if ($result === TRUE) {
        echo 'Successfully Inserted';
    } else {
        echo 'There is a problem';



使用下面的代码,您不需要在月份 ID 的帮助下比较任何月份,您可以将数据插入您想要的任何表格,但我很想知道为什么您需要每个月的单独表格而不是您可以管理单个表中的所有数据月明智?

我只是创建一个关联数组,这样当我们获得月份 ID 时,我们可以从中获得表名,依此类推,我们可以运行我们的查询而不比较任何东西。

$monthName = array(1 => "JANUARY", 2 => "FEBRUARY", 3 => "MARCH", 4 => "APRIL", 5 => "MAY", 6 => "JUNE", 7 => "JULY", 8 => "AUGUST", 9 => "SEPTEMBER", 10 => "OCTOBER ", 11 => "NOVEMBER ", 12 => "DECEMBER");    
<?php   if (isset($_POST['selectmonth'])) {
    $month=$_POST['month'];//name of drop-down
    $rent = $_POST['rent'];//name of textbox
    $table_name_where_data_to_insert = $monthName[$month];
        $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $table_name_where_data_to_insert . " (month, rent) VALUES('$month','$rent')";
        $result = $con->query($sql);
        if ($result === TRUE) {
            echo 'Successfully Inserted';
        } else {
            echo 'There is a problem';

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