mysql - 如何在子查询 WHERE 子句中重用变量?

标签 mysql

我有一个表格,其中包含每个用户的平均结果。 我想找出平均结果更好的用户百分比。

如果您是 20 位用户中的第五位用户,则 20% 的用户的平均结果更好。

| user_id | average_result |
|       1 | 1.0000         |
|       3 | 0.3333         |

这是我正在使用的查询。 当我用 0.3333@user_result 进行硬编码时,它可以工作,但是当我不这样做时,它就不起作用,正如您在 position位置2

SELECT @user_result, position, position2, total, position/total 
   SELECT @user_result := average_result 
   FROM average_results 
   WHERE user_id = 3  
) as T0,
   SELECT COUNT(average_result) as position  
   FROM average_results
   where average_result > @user_result
) AS T1,
   SELECT COUNT(average_result) as position2
   FROM average_results
   where average_result > 0.3333
) AS T12,
   SELECT COUNT(average_result) as total  
   FROM average_results
) AS T2
Expected output

| @user_result | position | position2 | total | position/total |
| 0.3333       |        1 |         1 |     2 | 0.5000         |

Actual output

| @user_result | position | position2 | total | position/total |
| 0.3333       |        0 |         1 |     2 | 0.0000         |



SELECT t.*, position/total
  ar2.average_result as user_result,
  SUM(CASE WHEN ar1.average_result > ar2.average_result THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as position,
  COUNT(*) as total
 FROM average_results ar1 INNER JOIN average_results ar2
  ON ar2.user_id = 3
) t

这是一个 sqlfiddle of it working .

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