javascript - 计算单词出现的次数,允许特殊字符和换行符

标签 javascript node.js regex count find-occurrences



function countWordInText(word,phrase){
    var c=0;
    phrase = phrase.concat(" ");
    regex = (word,/\W/g);
    var fChar = phrase.indexOf(word);
    var subPhrase = phrase.slice(fChar);

    while (regex.test(subPhrase)){
        c += 1;
        subPhrase = subPhrase.slice((fChar+word.length));
        fChar = subPhrase.indexOf(word);
    return c;


phrase = "hi hi hi all hi. hi";
word = "hi"
// OR
word = "hi all";



您编写的算法显示您花了一些时间来尝试让它发挥作用。但是,仍然有很多地方不起作用。例如,(word,/W/g) 实际上并没有创建您认为的正则表达式。


function countWordInText (word, phrase) {
  // Escape any characters in `word` that may have a special meaning
  // in regular expressions.
  // Taken from
  word = word.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, '\\$&')

  // Replace any whitespace in `word` with `\s`, which matches any
  // whitespace character, including line breaks.
  word = word.replace(/\s+/g, '\\s')

  // Create a regex with our `word` that will match it as long as it
  // is surrounded by a word boundary (`\b`). A word boundary is any
  // character that isn't part of a word, like whitespace or
  // punctuation.
  var regex = new RegExp('\\b' + word + '\\b', 'g')

  // Get all of the matches for `phrase` using our new regex.
  var matches = phrase.match(regex)

  // If some matches were found, return how many. Otherwise, return 0.
  return matches ? matches.length : 0

countWordInText('hi', 'hi hi hi all hi. hi') // 5

countWordInText('hi all', 'hi hi hi all hi. hi') // 1

countWordInText('hi all', 'hi hi hi\nall hi. hi') // 1

countWordInText('hi all', 'hi hi hi\nalligator hi. hi') // 0

countWordInText('hi', 'hi himalayas') // 1


这里有几个学习 Javascript 正则表达式的好地方:

您还可以使用 Regexr 测试您的正则表达式。 .

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