javascript - 从一系列可能的路径中获取字符串

标签 javascript node.js string functional-programming ramda.js


{ id: 'I60ODI', description: 'some random description' }
{ foo: 'bar', description: { color: 'green', text: 'some description within text' } }

当提供上面两个对象中的任何一个时,我希望解决方案返回some random descriptionsome description within text,前提是这两个可能的路径是obj.descriptionobj.description.text。将来可能还需要添加新路径,因此添加它们需要很容易。


// require the ramda library
const R = require('ramda');

// is the provided value a string?
const isString = R.ifElse(R.compose(R.equals('string'), (val) => typeof val), R.identity, R.always(false));
const addStringCheck = t => R.compose(isString, t);

// the possible paths to take (subject to scale)
const possiblePaths = [
    R.path(['description', 'text'])
// add the string check to each of the potential paths
const mappedPaths = => addStringCheck(x), possiblePaths);

// select the first occurrence of a string 
const extractString = R.either(...mappedPaths);

// two test objects
const firstObject = { description: 'some random description' };
const secondObject = { description: { text: 'some description within text' } };
const thirdObject = { foo: 'bar' };

console.log(extractString(firstObject)); // 'some random description'
console.log(extractString(secondObject)); // 'some description within text'
console.log(extractString(thirdObject)); // false




const extract = curry((defaultVal, paths, obj) => pipe( 
  find(pipe(path(__, obj), is(String))),
  ifElse(is(Array), path(__, obj), always(defaultVal))

const paths = [['description'], ['description', 'text']]

extract(false, paths, firstObject)  //=> "some random description"
extract(false, paths, secondObject) //=> "some description within text"
extract(false, paths, thirdObject)  //=> false

我个人会在 '' 中找到比在 false 中更好的默认值,但那是你的决定。

这避免了映射所有路径,在找到第一个路径时停止。它还使用 Ramda 的 is 将复杂的 isString 替换为。柯里化(Currying)允许您提供第一个或前两个参数来创建更有用的函数。

您可以在 Ramda REPL 中看到实际效果.

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