javascript - ubuntu 上的 meteor 错误。退出并显示代码 : 1 => Your application is crashing. 等待文件更改

标签 javascript ubuntu meteor

我是 Meteor 新手,我刚刚在我的 ubuntu 上安装了 Meteor。在那之前一切都很好。但在那之后,每当我想创建我的第一个 meteor 应用程序时,我都会遇到这个问题

W20171106-22:15:32.531(1)? (STDERR) /home/shahin/firstApp/.meteor/local

W20171106-22:15:32.532(1)? (STDERR) }).run();
W20171106-22:15:32.532(1)? (STDERR)    ^
W20171106-22:15:32.533(1)? (STDERR) 
W20171106-22:15:32.533(1)? (STDERR) Error: The babel-runtime npm package could not be found in your node_modules 
W20171106-22:15:32.533(1)? (STDERR) directory. Please run the following command to install it:
W20171106-22:15:32.534(1)? (STDERR) 
W20171106-22:15:32.534(1)? (STDERR)   meteor npm install --save babel-runtime
W20171106-22:15:32.534(1)? (STDERR) 
W20171106-22:15:32.534(1)? (STDERR)     at babel-runtime.js (packages/babel-runtime.js:36:9)
W20171106-22:15:32.535(1)? (STDERR)     at fileEvaluate (packages/modules-runtime.js:333:9)
W20171106-22:15:32.535(1)? (STDERR)     at require (packages/modules-runtime.js:228:16)
W20171106-22:15:32.535(1)? (STDERR)     at packages/babel-runtime.js:155:15
W20171106-22:15:32.535(1)? (STDERR)     at packages/babel-runtime.js:166:3
W20171106-22:15:32.536(1)? (STDERR)     at (/home/shahin/firstApp/.meteor/local/build/programs/server/boot.js:414:13)
W20171106-22:15:32.536(1)? (STDERR)     at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
W20171106-22:15:32.536(1)? (STDERR)     at /home/shahin/firstApp/.meteor/local/build/programs/server/boot.js:413:9
W20171106-22:15:32.536(1)? (STDERR)     at /home/shahin/firstApp/.meteor/local/build/programs/server/boot.js:463:5
W20171106-22:15:32.537(1)? (STDERR)     at (/home/shahin/firstApp/.meteor/local/build/programs/server/profile.js:510:12)
=> Exited with code: 1
=> Your application is crashing. Waiting for file change.


shahin@shahin-Inspiron-N5010:~$ cd firstApp
shahin@shahin-Inspiron-N5010:~/firstApp$ meteor -v



欢迎来到 StackOverflow!

您似乎尚未运行 meteor npm install 。 Meteor 不会为您管理 npm 包,因此您需要自己运行该命令。

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