javascript - Canvas arcTo() 方法

标签 javascript html canvas html5-canvas

我正在玩 HTML5 canvas,我的书上是这么说的

latest browser supports arcTo method and it has capabilities to remove arc() function .


我也对 arcTo 的这个例子感到困惑,为什么它以这种方式形成,有人可以解释

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
    <script src="script.js"></script>

    <canvas id="canvas" width="500" height="500" ></canvas>
    var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");

    var context = canvas.getContext('2d');

      var drawScreen = function(){



以下是一些伪代码,解释了您发布的 JavaScript 代码的工作原理:

1) Get the canvas, and store it to variable 'canvas'
2) Get the 2d context of 'canvas', and store it to variable 'context'

3) Initialize a function, 'drawScreen', that takes no arguments, but runs the following instructions:
   a) Move the pen to (0,0) on the canvas.
   b) Draw a line from the pen's current position to (100, 100)
   c) Draw an arc with a tangent line that passes through (350, 350) and the current pen position, and another tangent line that passes through (350, 350) and (100, 100), around a circle with radius 20.
   d) Push the updated canvas to the screen.
4) Run the function 'drawScreen'

信不信由你,您可以使用 arcTo 或其他命令的组合来完成 arc 所做的完全相同的事情,尽管需要更多的工作,并且有很多在线示例。

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