javascript - 拦截 fetch() 请求,将其搁置并在满足特定条件时恢复

标签 javascript fetch

以下代码在检测到对某个端点的 fetch() 请求时会触发警报。这样做会使请求停止继续,等待用户关闭警报,然后让请求流向端点。

我的问题是如何实现相同的中断,而不是等待警报关闭,我需要等待 cookie 出现的请求。我觉得需要用 Promises 来完成 :)

const x = window.fetch;
window.fetch = function() {
   if (arguments[0] == '/certain_endpoint') { alert('stopping for a while'); }
   return x.apply(this, arguments)


您可以使用 setInterval 并 promise 定期轮询特定条件并在满足时解决。

const x = window.fetch;
window.fetch = function() {
  if (arguments[0] == '/needs_cookie') {
    return waitForCookie().then(cookie => {
      return x.apply(this, arguments);
  } else {
    return x.apply(this, arguments);

// Returns a promise that resolves to a cookie when it is set.
function waitForCookie() {
  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    var intervalID = setInterval(checkForCookie, 100);
    function checkForCookie() {
      var cookie = getCookie();
      if (cookie) {

// Here, getCookie() returns undefined the first two times it's called.
// In reality, it should just parse document.cookie however you normally do.
var attempts = 0;
function getCookie() {
  if (attempts < 2) {
    console.log('Attempts: ', attempts);
    return undefined;
  } else {
    return 'cookie!';

如果您正在尝试做更复杂的异步操作,包括轮询,您可能需要查看 RxJS .

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