javascript - 对象属性键与另一个属性值 javaScript 相同

标签 javascript screeps


            Memory.creepsConf = {
            //The role by which we will refer to the creep
            roles: {
                harvester: "Harvester",//Harvests energy and gives it to the spawn
                upgrader: "Upgrader",//Harvests energy and gives it to the Controller
                builder: "Builder",// Harvests energy and builds stuff
                healer: "Healer"// Harvests energy and heals
            //the maximum number of creeps. Used by ControllerCreeps
            maximum: {
                harvester: 100,
                upgrader: 100,
                builder: 100,
                healer: 100
            //The bare minimum needed. Used by ControllerCreeps
            minimum: {
                harvester: 20,
                upgrader: 10,
                builder: 5,
                healer: 2,
            //Since not all creeps roles will be filled the Colony needs to know
            //which creeps are a priority.
            priority: {
                harvester: 10,
                upgrader: 20,
                builder: 8,
                healer: 7
            build: {
                harvester: [CARRY,WORK,MOVE],
                upgrader: [CARRY,WORK,MOVE],
                builder: [CARRY,WORK,MOVE],
                healer: [MOVE,HEAL,MOVE]

如您所见,我在 roles 中定义了 Angular 色,而在其他部分中,我按 Angular 色引用了每个 creep。

您会注意到的另一件事是,我总是使用 roles 中定义的键而不是值。这是个问题,因为如果有人向我提供“Harvester”,我需要从 roles 中获取 key ,然后使用 key ...使值过时。

我想做的不是说 harvester,它是 roles 中的一个键,我想将该键的值称为其他对象中的键


            Memory.creepsConf = {
            //The role by which we will refer to the creep
            roles: {
                harvester: "Harvester",//Harvests energy and gives it to the spawn
                upgrader: "Upgrader",//Harvests energy and gives it to the Controller
                builder: "Builder",// Harvests energy and builds stuff
                healer: "Healer"// Harvests energy and heals
            //the maximum number of creeps. Used by ControllerCreeps
            maximum: {
                Memory.creepsConf.roles.harvester: 100,
                Memory.creepsConf.roles.upgrader: 100,
                Memory.creepsConf.roles.builder: 100,
                Memory.creepsConf.roles.healer: 100
            //The bare minimum needed. Used by ControllerCreeps
            minimum: {
                Memory.creepsConf.roles.harvester: 20,
                Memory.creepsConf.roles.upgrader: 10,
                Memory.creepsConf.roles.builder: 5,
                Memory.creepsConf.roles.healer: 2,
            //Since not all creeps roles will be filled the Colony needs to know
            //which creeps are a priority.
            priority: {
                Memory.creepsConf.roles.harvester: 10,
                Memory.creepsConf.roles.upgrader: 20,
                Memory.creepsConf.roles.builder: 8,
                Memory.creepsConf.roles.healer: 7
            build: {
                Memory.creepsConf.roles.harvester: [CARRY,WORK,MOVE],
                Memory.creepsConf.roles.upgrader: [CARRY,WORK,MOVE],
                Memory.creepsConf.roles.builder: [CARRY,WORK,MOVE],
                Memory.creepsConf.roles.healer: [MOVE,HEAL,MOVE]

我想要结束的是 Memory.creepsConf.roles.* 的值作为其他对象中表示的键,这样如果有人向我提供值 Harvester 我实际上可以将它用作获取所有需要的信息的 key 。


Unexpected token .

有没有办法使用 Memory.creepsConf.roles.* 的值作为 Memory.creepsConf.maximum 中的键,Memory.creepsConf。最小值 ?


var obj = {
    foo:"Foooo", "Wohooo"

这个对象现在应该有一个键,它是 Foooo 并且 obj['Foooo'] 应该返回“Wohooo”


为什么不使用 Angular 色作为主要配置对象的:

Memory.config.creeps = {
    "Harvester": {
        maximum: 100, 
        minimum: 20, 
        priority: 10, 
        build: [CARRY, WORK, MOVE]
    }, {
    "Upgrader": {
        maximum: 100, 
        minimum: 10, 
        priority: 20, 
        build: [CARRY, WORK, MOVE]


function getMinimumForRole(role){
    if (role in Memory.config) {
        return Memory.config[role].minimum;
    throw "role " + role + " not found";

如果您仍想继续之前的工作方式,那么您可以使用一些 ES6 语法功能通过两个作业来完成:

const roles = { // temporary variable for keeping the rest short
    harvester: "Harvester",
    upgrader: "Upgrader",
    builder: "Builder",
    healer: "Healer"
Memory.creepsConf = {
    roles, // ES6 short notation
    maximum: {
        [roles.harvester]: 100, // ES6 computed property syntax
        [roles.upgrader]: 100,
        [roles.builder]: 100,
        [roles.healer]: 100
    // ...etc

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