javascript - Laravel 在向服务器发送 JSON 格式的 ISO 格式日期时提示 'trailing data'?

标签 javascript laravel date iso8601

我有一个带日期字段的 Laravel 模型,archivedAt。这已在模型的 $dates 数组中设置,如下所示:


class Contact extends Model
     * The name of the table in the database.
     * @laravel-table-name
     * @var string
    protected $table = 'Contacts';

     * The attributes that should be mutated to dates.
     * @var array
    protected $dates = [


当我尝试通过 GraphQL 向服务器发送 JSON 负载时,我收到以下响应:

    "data": {
        "editContact": null
    "errors": [
            "message": "Unexpected data found.\nTrailing data",
            "locations": [
                    "line": 2,
                    "column": 3

当然,Laravel 的 GraphQL 库很糟糕,不包括完整的堆栈跟踪或任何附加信息,但这似乎是我设置 archivedAt 字段的问题。我是这样做的:

    "operationName": null,
    "variables": {
        "contactEditForm": {
            "id": "2",
            "name": "Maybelle Collier",
            "email": "",
            "phone": "+1 (997) 381-8483",
            "archivedAt": "2018-03-19T00:07:57.191Z",
            "createdAt": "2018-03-18 23:57:30",
            "updatedAt": "2018-03-18 23:57:30"
    "query": "mutation ($contactEditForm: ContactEditForm!) {\n  editContact(contactEditForm: $contactEditForm) {\n    id\n    name\n    __typename\n  }\n}\n"

如您所见,archivedAt 是一个 ISO8601 格式的字符串,它是在我的客户端上生成的:

(new Date())->toISOString();

然后应该将其保存在带有突变的 GraphQL 服务器上,如下所示:

public function resolve($root, $args, $context, ResolveInfo $info)
    $contact = Contact::find($args['contactEditForm']['id']);

    return $contact;

为什么 Laravel 不喜欢这样?


我从来没有遇到过这个问题,但是根据 Laravel's Docs ,如果您在 $dates 属性中设置该字段,则可以正确更改:

When a column is considered a date, you may set its value to a UNIX timestamp, date string (Y-m-d), date-time string, and of course a DateTime / Carbon instance, and the date's value will automatically be correctly stored in your database:

因此,显然,增变器不允许使用 ISO 字符串日期,因此您要么将其设置为这些格式之一,defining an acessor ( like this ) 或将其从 $dates 中删除并自行处理

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