javascript - 发送一些输入后如何获取输入框的文本值?

标签 javascript node.js

我在文本框中输入了一些电子邮件,我试图获取文本框的值(假设是电子邮件地址),但我收到:ClientFunctionResultPromise { _then: [], _fn: [Function], _taskPromise: null } 我正在尝试记录输出,因为本质上我想创建一个断言来检查输入框是否已填充。


import login from '../pages/login’;
import { Selector } from 'testcafe';

const logs = new login();

fixture `A Simple Example`
   .page `http://localhost/simple-example`;

test(‘Check email`', async t => {



Login.js 文件 :
export default class Login {
   constructor() {
   this.receiptEmail = Selector("input[copy='Recipient email']");

async enterEmail(email){
  await t.typeText(this.receiptEmail,email);
  console.log(this.receiptEmail.innerText); // I also tried textContent and value and still received the same log


<div class="CustomerInfo__fields__field"><label for="recipient-email" class="CustomerInfo__fields__field__label" style="visibility: visible;">Recipient email*</label><input copy="Recipient email" field="email" section="recipient" maxlength="200" class="CustomerInfo__fields__field__input recipient-email " required="" name="email" placeholder="" type="email" value=""></div>



表单元素需要一个 name 属性才能在提交表单时传递它们的值。使用 nameid属性是选择正确的表单域进行测试的自然方式。


<input id="email" name="email_address" />


import { Selector, t } from 'testcafe';

fixture `A Simple Example`
  .page `http://localhost/simple-example`;

test('Email Input Test', async t => {

  const emailInput = Selector('input[name="email_address"]');
  const emailAddress = '';

  await t
    .typeText(emailInput, emailAddress)

labelrecipient-email 指定表单字段的标签,这应该对应于 id 的值表单输入字段的属性。您的表单输入标签没有 id属性,添加属性简化了选择器。

您还有一个硬编码 value字段的属性,在向字段添加内容之前需要清除它。 TestCafe API 不会直接将字段值设置为字符串,而是模拟用户键入提供的文本。因此,如果输入没有被自动清除,例如在单击它之后,您需要模拟用户删除文本的操作。
<div class="CustomerInfo__fields__field">
  <label for="recipient-email" 
         style="visibility: visible;">Recipient email*</label>
  <input id="recipient-email"
         copy="Recipient email" field="email" section="recipient" maxlength="200" 
         class="CustomerInfo__fields__field__input recipient-email " required="" 
         name="email" placeholder="" type="email" value="" /> 

login.js: 记得导入t以便 TestCafe 可以发挥其魔力并提供正确的测试 Controller 。
import { Selector, t } from 'testcafe';

export default class Login {
  constructor () {
    // Use standard CSS selectors to locate elements
    // This selector targets the HTML element with id="recipient-email"
    this.receiptEmail = Selector('#recipient-email');
  async enterEmail(email) {
    // Simulate the clearing of the field first
    await t
      .pressKey('ctrl+a delete')
      .typeText(this.receiptEmail, email);

    // Resolve the Selector promise to get the field
    // and console.log the value property
    console.log('receiptEmail: ' + await this.receiptEmail.value);

主文件.js:确保为测试夹具的目标页面设置正确的 URL,如果它不是标准端口,请记住包含端口号,例如http://localhost:3000/ .
import { Selector } from 'testcafe';
import login from '../pages/login';

const logs = new login();

// Change the page URL string
// It specifies the target URL to load for the test fixture
fixture `A Simple Example`
  .page `http://localhost/simple-example`;

test('Check email', async t => {
  // You must use 'await'
  await logs.enterEmail('');


因此,在回答您的问题时,如果您的 Selector有效,它将返回一个 Promise,您可以解析它以获取 HTML 字段,这将使您可以访问它的 value属性(property)。

TestCafe 让你明确地使用 Promise 和 async/await 来管理测试的执行。

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