javascript - 遍历复杂的嵌套 json 数组 javascript

标签 javascript arrays json loops

nested json structure

Json 结构:

"id": "30080",
        "dataelements": {
    "Name": "abc",
        "children": [
                "id": "33024",
                "dataelements": {
                    "Name": "a",
                "children": [
                        "id": "33024",
                        "dataelements": {
                            "Name": "b"

                        "children": [
                                "id": "33024",
                                "dataelements": {
                                    "Name": "z"
                                "children": []
                "id": "4800",
                "dataelements": {
                    "Name": "d"
                "children": [
                        "id": "4800",
                        "dataelements": {


我有如图所示的嵌套 json 数据。对于每个子对象,我都创建了一个节点模型。子对象内部可以有其他子对象。

 if (ele == "dataelements")
    var categoryNode = new NodeModel(
        label: row.dataelements.Name,
        icons: [{ iconName: 'product'}],
        grid: row[ele] 

if(ele == "children")
    var subCategoryNode;
    var subCategoryIndex = 1;
    for (var i = 0, len = row.children.length; i<len; i++) 
        subCategoryNode = new NodeModel(
            label: row.children[i].dataelements.Name,
            icons: [{
            iconName: '3dpart' }],
            grid: row.children[i].dataelements                             


此代码仅处理一级子节点。 当我不知道内部嵌套了多少子级时,如何检查内部子级?



  • 递归函数非常适合嵌套数据
  • 他们为输入的每次迭代调用自己,直到它达到基本情况
  • 一开始可能很难理解它们
  • 如果使用不当或输入量过大,递归函数可能会达到调用堆栈限制
  • 寻找递归调用中使用的变量,使用let关键字告诉javascript在当前范围内设置变量


假设您的 JSON 已经过验证,这就是下面示例中的结构。 如果我想遍历 JSON 中的所有元素,我想使用递归调用使其简洁、易于调试和构建。

这是一个遍历给定示例 JSON 以打印出分解图的示例。


  • 复制递归搜索函数
  • 调用传入 JSON 的recursiveSearch 函数
  • 根据您的需要修改它,我给了您一些可以构建的东西


    var someJson = {"id": "30080","dataelements": {"Name": "abc"},"children": [{"id": "33024","dataelements": {"Name": "a"},"children": [{"id": "33024","dataelements": {"Name": "b"},"children": [{"id": "33024","dataelements": {"Name": "z"},"children": []}]}]}, {"id": "4800","dataelements": {"Name": "d"},"children": []}]};

    //we set level to 0 (optional variable) this means we can omit it in the inital call for neat code
    function recursiveScan(json, level=0)
        //we store all of the output in a log and keep a track of the level to determine indenting
        var log = "";
        var indent = "";

        //based on the current level of the recursion, we indent the text to make it readable
        for (let i=0; i<level; i++)
            indent += "&emsp;&emsp;";

        //avoid any bad json or invalid data by checking if the name and id is null
        if(json.dataelements.Name != null && != null)
            //we know there is a valid element, write the name and id
            log += indent + "ID: " + + "<br>";
            log += indent + "Name: " + json.dataelements.Name + "<br>";

            //if there is any children
            if(json.children.length > 0)
                //just for neatness, lets draw the paranthesis
                log += indent + "{" + "<br>";

                //increase the level

                //for each child, recursively call this function to get the next level of children if available
                for(let t=0; t<json.children.length; t++)
                    log += recursiveScan(json.children[t], level);

                //we are dropping our recursion level now, getting ready to return;
                //close the paranthesis for neatness
                log += indent + "}" + "<br>";

        //return the final log
        return log;

    //now lets test the code


    ID: 30080
    Name: abc
      ID: 33024
      Name: a
        ID: 33024
        Name: b
          ID: 33024
          Name: z
      ID: 4800
      Name: d


    function recursiveScan(json)
        if(json.dataelements.Name != null && != null)
            //here you have access to id and dataelements

            if(json.children.length > 0)
                for(let t=0; t<json.children.length; t++)
                    //here you have access to each child as json.children[t]
                    //you could do the logic for the current child

                    //then pass the current child to the recursive function
        return true;

关于javascript - 遍历复杂的嵌套 json 数组 javascript,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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