java - 执行 maven 3 - 何时使用 maven enforcer 插件?什么时候使用 pom 先决条件元素?

标签 java maven

执行 Maven 3 的两种主要方法似乎是:

  • maven-enforcer-plugin 和
  • pom.xml <prerequisites>元素。



Maven Enforcer 插件示例


Maven POM 先决条件示例



先决条件已弃用,您应该使用 enforcer 插件。 MNG-5297请求文档更新以澄清这一点。

maven-enforcer-plugin 常见问题 explains the difference :

Why can't I just use the prerequisites tag in the pom?

The prerequisites tag was designed to be used by tools like plugins. It will work for regular projects, but it isn't inherited to their children. If it is set in a parent reactor, then Maven will do the check. However if one of the children are built, the check is not performed. The enforcer plugin is designed to allow centralized control over the build environment from a single "super-pom", and to allow greater flexibility in version specification by supporting ranges.

此外,请注意 prerequisites do not work with Maven 3 .

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