javascript - React Native - 每次当 child 设置状态时渲染更新(我不想)

标签 javascript reactjs react-native render setstate

我有一个包含不同组件的 page.js,这些组件在 componentDidMount() 中设置状态。每次都执行父级的渲染(总共 10 个)。但这是一个问题,因为我想在 componentDidUpdate 上对 api rest 执行请求,并且这个函数执行了很多次。




import Header from 'Pages/userprofile/general/HeaderMenuUser';
import UserHeader from 'Pages/userprofile/basic/header/UserHeader';
import UserContent from 'Pages/userprofile/basic/content/UserContent';


class UserProfile extends Component {

static navigationOptions = ({navigation}) => {

      const user = navigation.getParam('user', '');

      return {
                title: 'User Profile',
                header: (navigation) => <Header {...navigation} title="My profile" user={user} origin="UserProfile" edit={false} />,
                headerTintColor: '#000',
                headerTitleStyle: {
                  fontWeight: 'bold',


    //const { user } = this.props.navigation.state.params;

    //Profile.get( response => {
    ProfileApi.get().then( response => {
      this.setState({ user: response.user });
        user: response.user,

  render() {
    //console.warn(this.props.isFocused ? 'Focused' : 'Not focused');
    return (
      <ScrollView style={[styles.scroll, globalStyles.generalScrollContainer]}>
            <View style={{backgroundColor:'#fff', minHeight: 50}}>

          <GradientBackground />
              <UserHeader user={this.state.user} edit={false}/>

        { typeof this.state.user === "object" && (
          <View style={styles.container}>
            <UserContent user={this.state.user} />


export default withNavigationFocus(UserProfile);


export default class UserContent extends Component {

    updateState = (update) => {

      if (update['simple']){
        this.setState({ [update['key']]: update['value'] });
      } else {

        projects = this.state.user.projects;


        this.setState( prevState => ({
          user: {
              projects: projects

        this.setState( prevState => ({
          user: {
              can_create_projects: update['value'].can_create_projects

        Functions.storeItem('user', this.state.user);



    componentDidMount() {
      Functions.getApiToken().then((response) => {
          this.setState({ url: url + response });


    render() {

        return (
              <View style={styles.content}>
                <UserBiography user={this.state.user} />

                <View style={[globalStyles.rowBetween, globalStyles.rowVerticalCenter]}>
                  <Text style={globalStyles.titleText}>Projects</Text>
                  { this.state.user.can_create_projects && (
                      onPress={() => { this.setState({collapsed: !this.state.collapsed}) }}>
                      <Text style={[globalStyles.textTag, this.state.collapsed ? globalStyles.backgroundBlue : globalStyles.backgroundGary ]}>{this.state.collapsed ? "Add" : "Close add"} project</Text>
                  ) }

                <View style={[globalStyles.borderBottomView, {marginBottom: 30}]}></View>

                <UserCreateProject collapsed={this.state.collapsed} updateState={this.updateState}/>

                {typeof this.state.user === 'object' && this.state.user.projects.length > 0 && (, index) => {
                    return (<UserProject project={project} key={} updateState={this.updateState} />)




您可以使用shouldComponentUpdate() 方法来控制您的渲染:

shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
    if (nextState.render_screen) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

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