javascript - 将 React 调度箭头函数转换为 typescript

标签 javascript reactjs typescript ecmascript-6

在我的 ES6 javascript react/redux 代码中,我有类似的东西:

export const myFunction = params => dispatch => {

如何将其转换为 typescript ?不使用 Redux,而是使用 React useReducer


export const myFunction = (payload: any): void => dispatch:any => {


  • 参数“dispatch”隐式具有“any”类型.ts(7006)
  • 列表项类型“(dispatch: any) => void”不可分配给类型“void”.ts(2322)


您试图实现的是在 Redux 中工作并促进 bu Redux-thunk middleware . useReducer Hook 中不存在中间件。所以开箱即用,这是不可能的。


import * as React from 'react';

interface FuncState {
    prop1: string;
    prop2: string;

interface FunctAction1 {
    type: 'SET_PROP1';  // Action type property has type of 'SET_PROP1'. This is not string, it is type 'SET_PROP1'. The only value type may have is 'SET_PROP1'.
    prop1: string;

interface FunctAction2 {
    type: 'SET_PROP2';
    prop2: string;

// Here we create union of actions to properly type Reducer
type KnownActions = FunctAction1 | FunctAction2;

const FuncInitState: FuncState = {
    prop1: '',
    prop2: ''

function isFunction(f: any): f is Function {
    return typeof f === "function";

function useThunkReducer<S, A>(reducer: React.Reducer<S, A>, initialState: React.ReducerState<React.Reducer<S, A>>):
[S, (action: A | ((dispatch: React.Dispatch<A>, state: S) => void)) => void] 

    const [state, dispatch] = React.useReducer(reducer, initialState);

    // Essentially this is middleware
    const thunkDispatch = (action: A
        | ((dispatch: React.Dispatch<A>, state: S) => void)): void => {
        if (isFunction(action)) { // This is type guard
            return action(dispatch, state);

        return dispatch(action);

    return [state, thunkDispatch];

const FuncReducer: React.Reducer<FuncState, KnownActions> = (state, action) => {
    switch (action.type) {
        case 'SET_PROP1':  
            // action will have type of FunctAction1 as action.type has value 'SET_PROP1'
            return { ...state, prop1: action.prop1 }
        case 'SET_PROP2':
            return { ...state, prop2: action.prop2 }
            throw new Error('FuncReducer do not have default');

const myClickAction = (prop1: string) => (dispatch: React.Dispatch<KnownActions>) => {
    dispatch({ type: 'SET_PROP1', prop1: "some value" });

const FuncCmp: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
    const [state, dispatch] = useThunkReducer(FuncReducer, FuncInitState);
    return <div>
        <button onClick={(e) => dispatch(myClickAction("some value"))}>Set prop1</button>
        <button onClick={(e) => dispatch({ type: 'SET_PROP2', prop2: "another value" })}>Set prop2</button>
        <div>Prop1: {state.prop1}</div>
        <div>Prop2: {state.prop2}</div>



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