javascript - TensorFlow JS - 加载使用 Python 生成的模型

标签 javascript python json tensorflow tensorflow.js

我遵循了 this tutorial 中的步骤转换使用 Python 生成的经过训练的 TensorFlow 模型。现在我想用它在 TensorFlow JS 中重新创建模型。我像这样传递了 model.js 的路径:

const model = tf.loadLayersModel(pathToModelsDotJSON).then(() => {
    // Do stuff

我正在使用 Vue.js,当我运行代码时它会抛出这个错误:

Uncaught (in promise) Error: The first layer in a Sequential model must get an `inputShape` or `batchInputShape` argument.
    at new t (tf-layers.esm.js?271e:17)
    at t.add (tf-layers.esm.js?271e:17)
    at t.fromConfig (tf-layers.esm.js?271e:17)
    at deserializeKerasObject (tf-layers.esm.js?271e:17)
    at deserialize (tf-layers.esm.js?271e:17)
    at eval (tf-layers.esm.js?271e:17)
    at eval (tf-layers.esm.js?271e:17)
    at Object.eval [as next] (tf-layers.esm.js?271e:17)
    at o (tf-layers.esm.js?271e:17)



1 - 您使用了错误的函数 modelFromJSON 来导入模型。根据教程,这里是要使用的函数:loadLayersModel


The first layer in a Sequential model must get an inputShape or batchInputShape argument


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