javascript - 突出显示关键字数组中段落中所有出现的特定单词

标签 javascript highlight


这与提出的问题非常接近here 。 在下面的示例中,我试图查找并突出显示所有出现的“dog”和“field”。 由于 "g" 标志,这适用于查找每个单词的所有出现位置。

var re = new RegExp(arr.join("|"), "g")
console.log('keywords are ' + re);
console.log('The matches are ' + str.match(re));

但我不确定 replace 中是否以及何处应该有 "g" 标志。

<p id="x"></p>
var arr = ("The dog ran through the field.  The dog ate."); //paragraph from which to search
document.getElementById("x").innerHTML = arr;

var words = ["dog", "field"]; //array of keywords

var str = document.getElementById("x").innerHTML;
var re = new RegExp(words.join("|"), "gi"); // create a a | b | c regex
console.log(re, str.match(re));
console.log('keywords are ' + re);
console.log('The matches are ' + str.match(re));
str.match(re).forEach(function(match, i) { // loop over the matches
  str = str.replace(match, function replace(match) { // wrap the found strings
    return '<em>' + match + '</em>';
document.getElementById("x").innerHTML = str

em { background-color:yellow }

我尝试过使用 str.replace(/match/g, function(match, i)。这不会出错,但会删除所有突出显示。



var arr = ("The dog ran through the field.  The dog ate."); //paragraph from which to search
document.getElementById("x").innerHTML = arr;

var words = ["dog", "field"]; //array of keywords

var str = document.getElementById("x").innerHTML;
var re = new RegExp(words.join("|"), "gi"); // create a a | b | c regex

str = str.replace(re, function replace(match) { // wrap the found strings
  return '<em>' + match + '</em>';

document.getElementById("x").innerHTML = str
<p id="x"></p>

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